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Re: Incorrect

"A so called objectivist does not take the position you have stated. An objectivist merely asked for some objective proof to validate a claim."

We can measure DNA down to a few molecules, determine the makeup of chemical compounds down to a few atoms, we can determine the size, distance, and structure of galaxies billions of lightyears away from a handful of photons but we can't measure what so called subjectivist audiophiles claim to hear. All we can do is take their word for it. And why should we? Some are half deaf having repeatedly exposed themselves recklessly to ear shattering noise for extended periods such as by attending live rock concerts which has impaired their hearing ability for life. Some are musical ignoramuses and wouldn't "know their brass from their oboe" let alone what real musical instruments sound like. Some have products to sell and will tell you anything to get as many people to buy them as possible. And some are all of the above. Their opinions based on what they claim to hear are worthless to anyone looking for equipment which reproduces the sound of music accurately from recordings.

"Objectivist do not particularly care about the outcome (whether something makes a difference or not), or take a stance that an objective test can define personal preferences for all audiophiles"

The notion of preference is inherently inconsistant with the notion of accurately reproducing the sound of musical instruments unless as Victor Campos of KLH once said, it boils down to what kind of distortion bothers you least.

"At the same time, these differences can often be attributed to measurable attributes of the wire or equipment, not outlandish voodoo-like claims that are necessary justify big bucks for the wire."

No, they can ALWAYS be attributable to measurable differences. Whether we choose to make adequate measurements or not or advance the science of measurement to the degree necessary is a different matter. A sound system is a collection of physical objects all of whose characteristics and operating properties can be measured, compared, and their differences correlated with verifiable differences in perceptable stimulii they produce.

The differences in wires are always attributable to measurable differences in the perameters of the well knows "telegrapher's equation." Nobody has shown any evidence in over 100 years that it can't be. Therefore you can play with the variables with a collection of resistors, capacitors, and inductors in the connections between audio components to your hearts content for very little money...or you can spend endless hours and money on pot luck. Instead of differentiating the interested into "objectivists" and "subjectivists" a more accurately discriptive differentiation would be the "rational" and "irrational."

"Unless the point is just to argue, what is the point?"

For at least one person, it's the need to always be right. Why else when making a technical mistake and being corrected would he just a few days later attribute his mistake to the person who corrected him and the correction to himself? This person has a lot more problems in life than understanding how audio equipment works no matter how many accolades he's received for his designs.

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