In Reply to: Aha posted by AJinFLA on October 20, 2006 at 10:11:23:
AJinFLA,First let me commend you on attempting responding to my actual posts withouts the personal insults and/or berating my equipment. I say attempting because I noticed you couldn't resist the "you imagine hearing differences" crack, but I appreciate your doing this, THANKS!
I'll now answers your questions and/or comments as throughly as possible.
1) AJinFLA states: "You didn't answer my question before of why I needed to be there to watch you imagine hearing differences, which I was going to suggest - could easily have been done with a web camera - and save me the drive."
First, we don't live that far apart, Second, I wanted you to hear that not every system that uses tubes is "euphonically colored" Third, I don't own a webcam and Fourth, you need to be there to be sure someone isn't out of view providing me "clues."
2)AJinFLA states: Now, for the first time, you are claiming you want to perform an ABX test in front of me! Were you assuming I would bring the necessary equipment along, much less be qualified to perform such a test?
First I NEVER said it would be an ABX test. I said it would be a BLIND TEST. There's a big difference between the two of these. An ABX requires inserting a new component that's unkown in it's sonic abilities. Inserting it would change my system. I always said MY SYSTEM, in MY HOME, changing only the wires. Second as it is only a blind test there is no need "bring the necessary equipment along." Third as we would simply be preventing me from seeing either the wires or you (so you cannot somehow give me clues as to which wires are being used) I'd assume you are qualified enough to be able to change wires by yourself, or am I mistaken?
3) That only leaves me with one thought. You already have all the necessary equipment, including of course an ABX comparator!, correct?
Why have you never said so before? Why have you never said that this is how you have been telling the difference between wires? Can you tell be a bit more about your testing methodology? I'm sure quite a few folks here would be anxious to know, including myself.First I don't own an ABX comparator, nor would I ever. Second I've tested 2 different ways sighted & blind. I only tried blind after I discovered how crazy Objectivists go over sighted tests. Unlike most Objectivists I have an open mind and when I read about "preferences" and "expectation biases" possibly influencing what I hear I HAD to know the truth. Afterall don't want to spend my $$$$ on something I only imagined improved my system.
My testing methodology? Well provided I've used MY SYSTEM in MY HOME (I use my system, in my home because I know how that system "sounds" in that location) I can always tell when the wires have or have not been changed. I only change interconnects or speakerwire for a given test at anytime. By that I mean we will start and remain testing one of those two for the duration of that test. I've never attempted identifying which of 5 different interconnects is in the system by name. What I can do is identify whether or not the interconnects or speakerwires were changed and tell you what I heard different that allowed me to identify the change. I will almost always attribute the same sonic characteristics to a given interconnect or speakerwire (sometimes, very seldomly, I may attribute a different sonic characteristic to the wire -- I don't know if that's caused by the recordings being used making a different attribute of the wire being more noticeable or not) but I will ALWAYS tell whether or not the wires were changed.
That's it AJinFLA. See I'm not some Subjectivist wacko and despite all RBG's LIES that I don't perform tests I do! In fact I recently posted that some recent tests (using NASA wire that really needs to be seen to be believed) leads me to believe that thin wire with very, very thin dielectric on it, provides a more realistic replication of live music. So I wonder how I can print that and yet NOT be doing tests like RBG LIES and says I don't do?
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Follow Ups
- Re: Aha - thetubeguy1954 10:58:02 10/20/06 (10)
- No, thank YOU... - AJinFLA 16:41:14 10/20/06 (8)
- AJinFLA's Reading Is 0% ((( As Evidenced In This Post ))) - thetubeguy1954 08:50:36 10/23/06 (0)
- Re: No, thank YOU... - thetubeguy1954 10:31:44 10/21/06 (6)
- Re: No, thank YOU... - AJinFLA 18:33:08 10/22/06 (0)
- TG54, that rancorous poseur is not worth tangling with. And be glad he won't... - clarkjohnsen 10:59:16 10/22/06 (4)
- Re: TG54, that rancorous poseur is not worth tangling with. And be glad he won't... - AJinFLA 18:47:34 10/22/06 (3)
- That Rancorous Poseur AJinFLA Is NOT Worth Tangling With, Oh how I know that now! - thetubeguy1954 08:07:37 10/23/06 (2)
- I don't believe you can do that -- because I don't know whether you can, or not! - clarkjohnsen 08:39:37 10/23/06 (1)
- Re: I don't believe you can do that -- because I don't know whether you can, or not! - AJinFLA 09:57:31 10/23/06 (0)
- Re: Aha - john curl 13:27:33 10/20/06 (0)