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All I can say..

...is you somehow missed the lies and deceptions put forth so consistently by Kramer. Despite this fact you should be able to answer my question.

How can deeming the following exchange to be a lie be the result of any misconception?

Why would Kramer state on 4/26/05

"Originally posted by KRAMER
That's a good one, and an entirely different paranormal claim. You'll have to send in a new application...especially since I haven't heard a peep from you since last week when you promised a new protocol within hours.

A most curious, deafening silence.

Oh, and by the way, Piano Teacher is who he claims to be.
Did anyone here really accuse him of being something else?
If so, I must have missed it."

When he received and responded to the following correspondence from the previous day

"My protocol is better than the Howard protocol in that it allows for the GSIC to be applied in a manner closer to the instructions of the manufacturer. I will research the matter however.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kramer [mailto:kramer[edit]randi.org]
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 3:34 PM
To: Michael
Subject: Re: dummy chip

Use the HOWARD protocol.

-Kramer, JREF


----- Original Message -----

From: Michael


Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 10:31 AM

Subject: dummy chip


Neither Gr8wight, or myself, have figured out a way to keep the test double blind without using a dummy GSIC. Any suggestions?



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Really, why would Kramer lie? Is this not a blatant lie? BTW, did you ever post on the GSIC subject at JREF, if so, what is your moniker over there? Write me privately if you'd like.

Also, what did you think of Kramer establishing the Steven Howard protocol as an official protocol submission coming directly from me even though I clearly indicated that I would require ammendments to that protocol in the very same mailing? What did you think of his attitude in submitting this as evidenced in the 4th posting on page 7 of the Audio Critic thread when he informed everyone of his actions?

What purpose do lies and deceit serve in negotiation?

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