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OK Ken, if you have such a firm grasp...

on the proceedings at JREF over the GSIC testing you should be able to tell us why an organization that has stated their objective to be the discovery of truth would choose to blatantly lie about protocol negotiations.

What purpose did that serve? As for a test date, I offered Aug. 1, 2005 and never deviated from that date being my preference. I did offer to move the date into June at a later point in an attempt at compromise. No one, and I mean no one, has ever been able to point to one instance of the waffling that JREF attempted to portray. One participant over there reviewed the record and publicly stated that he did not find any evidence to support the charges he assumed to be true. The reason he didn't find any specific instance was because there was none. If you'd care to research the matter you would find none also. The truth of the matter is I bent over backwards trying to negotiate a fair protocol while JREF over the same period practiced constant deception. I can provide the specifics to support my contentions regarding JREF misdeeds. Those that accuse me of waffling and obfuscation can not, end of story.

"Really, why lie?" was the subject title of a thread I started there to substaniate my claims. This substantiation was then deleted by the moderator, David Ratcliffe, who then later stated that I was making unsubstantiated charges against JREF. Steve Eddy started a thread over there entitled "Kramer is a big fat liar" which was also deleted by Mr. Ratcliffe. Kramer is the Challenge Facilitator at JREF. His title is a misnomer if there ever was one.

If my experience with JREF is indicative of their values and operations, the whole Randi Challenge business is a bogus and shameful enterprise, unworthy of being considered a real proposition.

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