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GSIC Challenge

Receivedthe following from a reader in Japan about my article at www.enjoythemusic.com about the chip. Is anybody else up for the challenge?

Mr. Gaw,

My name is Kent Phillips, of Yuuki, Ibaraki, Japan. I read your May article
online in which you gave a favorable review of the GSIC. I am an incredibly
skeptical person when it comes to these things, and am a huge supporter of
the James Randi Foundation and his attempts to debunk frauds and
pseudoscience. In fact, he offers a prize of US$1,000,000 to any person that
displays abilities which cannot be explained through rational, terrestrial
means. Detecting the difference in discs treated with the GSIC and those
which are not qualifies. In two subsequent tests taking less than one day
each, if you can accurately discern between identical discs treated and
untreated, you would be given the million dollars.

I am not affiliated with the organization other than reading its reports and
message boards, and I would gain nothing by you paying any attention to this
challenge. I just stumbled upon your article as I was searching for
impartial reviews of the GSIC and was intrigued to see if you could do it.

You don't need to explain why or how the device works or contact the
manufacturer, and you can do the test using the location and equipment you
prefer. All you need to do is sit, listen, and complete a survey in which
your correct answers net you a million dollars.

Here is more information on the challenge:

Here is a message board thread highlighting a previous challenger who did
not test due to his own vanity but can show an idea of how the test would
take place: http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53824

And here is the thread of someone else about to take the challenge. Should
this person fail (the test is in less than 2 weeks) or not test, you would
be able to do so: http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56542

If you decide to look into this, I wish you the best.


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Topic - GSIC Challenge - Doc Gaw 09:47:33 07/06/05 (86)

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