In Reply to: Art Dudley's March 2007 Column: What's That About? Long posted by nighteyes0 on February 18, 2007 at 06:47:35:
At CES a few years ago, I witnessed a well known reviewer for a British publication throwing a hysterical fit at one of the booths of a record vendor. He was going on and on about how that vendor (Classic Records?) had not sent him his "review" copies of records and that he and his publication would stop doing any reviews of their records. The young man at the booth did not miss a beat in "offering" the reviewer a copy of very single record they had at the booth, including stuff that would have been "reviewed" years ago. The reviewer greedily clutched his booty to his chest (about 40 albums or so) in what I thought was a comical display of utter crassness.But, I suppose it was more than that. It was nothing less than extortion. Moreover, the reviewer apparently did not think such a display was craven enough that being discrete was called for. Is such behavior common?
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Follow Ups
- Reviewers Behaving Badly - Larry I 15:57:30 02/21/07 (0)