In Reply to: Re: I keep saying the same thing over and over again, but nobody seems to care. posted by Srajan Ebaen on February 19, 2007 at 02:06:30:
.. that until the "appropriate" parties involved disclose what actually occurred we are unable to form an accurate opinion.I would think that the publication, supposedly involved, that relys on the largess of its readers, manufacturers of equipment and advertisers as well as stock holders would want to have the sordid mess cleaned up.
Until that is done we are left to personal conjecture and will respond in a variety of ways. Such as pull advertising, cancel subscriptions, no longer submit equipment for review, sell their stock et. al.
While it is true that you should not judge an organization, by the act of one indivdual, that organization will be so judged if it refuses to clear up the matter.
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Follow Ups
- It would appear to me.. - JCS 02:43:21 02/19/07 (0)