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Gush over every component? Not.

I don't want to start a fight, but I think you are wrong.

I think that it is fair to say that from time to time, every writer finds something that really tickles his fancy. I can't deny that I was mightily impressed by the darTZeel amp, the Esoteric X-01, and the Grace m902.

But it is not fair to say that all coverage gushes.

JA measured certain cables MF loved, and found them peculiar if not wanting. The Zanden CD player's QC problems were run up the flagpole with a lantern on them--nothing was swept under the rug.

I loved the ESP Concert Grands, but, if you had read my coverage, you would see that I gave extra attention to the room set-up and bass-loading-design issues. I knew that the CGs' bass performance was going to be controversial, so JA valiantly drove for hours in holiday traffic to measure them in my room. We both worked hard on that, and if there are two words that either of us wrote that aren't fair and balanced, we'd love to hear what you think they are.

Indeed, JA received a 4,000+ word Jeremiad LTE from a member of ESP's Amen Corner, taking me to task for, well, just about everything. As in I totally did not get the speaker and I was unsuited to review it.

Look up my coverage of the J-M Reynaud Arpeggiones. A respectable speaker. Best of the best, regardless of price or practicality? No. So they are not Class A. The next best thing? No. So they are not class B. That leaves Class C. Ouch. I am sure that hurt the importer. I am sorry. But if something is not clearly the best of the best, and not clearly the next best thing, calling it Class C while pointing out what might make it attractive to some people is the only thing that is fair to the readers.

I know that calling somebody's baby less than perfect and adorable does not endear one to the proud parents.

But I strive never to let thoughts of the impact on the manufacturer impinge upon my responsibilities to the readers whose trust I have earned over the past 20+ years.



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