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Re: I keep saying the same thing over and over again, but nobody seems to care.

>If someone associated with your company was guilty of misconduct,
>you'd reprimand that individual or sack him and then do what was in
>your power to rectify the damage, because it's the right thing to
>do and because your company's reputation hinges on it.

You addressed this to Charlie, Srajan, but I have a relevant comment
to make. Many years ago, I found out quite by accident that one of my
reviewers had worked out a deal with a manufacturer whose product he
had reviewed so that he could purchase that product. He would
demonstrate the product in his home and for every sale that resulted,
he would receive a commission that would go against the money he still
owed on the purchase.

This behavior didn't affect the review or the magazine, as it occurred
after the event. Nevertheless, the next day, I terminated that
reviewer's relationship with Stereophile, and that is what I would
have done had the reviewer in question in the cable case worked for
me -- if he did what he has been accused of. He has gone on record as
saying that it wasn't him who sold the cables but a friend to whom he
had loaned them. I was also told at the recent CES that the publisher
has since reimbursed the cable manufacturer for the cost of the cables.

A magazine relies on mutual trust between editor and writers and
between itself and its readers. Questionable behavior puts both those
relationships at risk.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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