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Re: Recommended amps for Merlin VSM-M for $1,400 or less (new or used)??

I have the TSM-MM; so my recommendations should be taken in that context.

I mostly agree with Bobby, in that amplifiers with low output impedences (high damping) don't sound as good with Merlin's as lower damping amps. This is only a general guideline, though. I guess it depends on the amplifier design in 'total'.

My amplifier is a mosfet design; has some global feedback; and represents a compromise between the tube amps I tried; and some of the solid state designs that can sound 'thin' with Merlins. My amplifier uses less feedback than most- and has great bass response like many solid state designs; but has the sense of 'space' and 'wholeness' like a tubed amp. (Like you, I use a tubed pre-amp.)

It's best to try a few combinations, then decide. While I respect the 'all tube' camp... it ain't the only way to go.

FWIW, the amp I decided on keeping (for now) is a Musical Design D-75B Signature. (The difference between the Sig. and the base model is that the Sig. uses Blackgate caps; Cardas posts; Shottky diodes; and maybe a few other 'better' parts.) It is rated at 75wpc and even in my large space, it has more than enough power. The sense of 'space' and 'ambiance', along with a neutral frequency balance has been most pleasing.

While I was not able to hear a Belles amp; I'm quite confident that it would have done it for me also.


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  • Re: Recommended amps for Merlin VSM-M for $1,400 or less (new or used)?? - WEEZ 16:18:42 08/15/06 (0)

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