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What mains tranny -240 volt primary for a stereo PP 6BM8?

I'd be using the 2 OPT's from an old simulcast rcvr.

And I would like to try running them in CCs'd pure A, IF the OPT's were UP to 8 watts of constant power dissipation!!!!!!? maybe a triod mode switch as well, it'll be a bedroom amp!!!!

OR should I take out the power T in the old rcvr and buy another power trannie suitable to turn IT into a tuner. This 'might' be cheaper??

but I kinda LIKE the idea of an overkill tuner PSU with the existing trannie. Plenty of room for two chokes and film caps when the chassis loses 4 sockets (at minimum - possibly six/seven) and the two OPT's!!!


Timbo in Oz
The Skyptical Mensurer and Audio Scrounger

'Still not saluting.'

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Topic - What mains tranny -240 volt primary for a stereo PP 6BM8? - Timbo in Oz 14:38:40 12/05/06 (6)

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