Hi ppl just a possibly stupid question. In the link below it states in the triode curves that grid 2 and grid 3 should be connected to the plate but it's shown unless I am mistaken. Grid 3 is internally conected to the cathode.
I want to try this in place of 6gk5 in my preamp so I can use 2 batterys in the cathode and get some more headroom for the input and a better operating point .That and I have lots of new 6ak5's Of course I could just strap only the grid 2 to plate but why curves for the other conection.I think I can nail the 120v plate 10ma op point discussed in the archives here so it could be good.
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Topic - 6ak5 triode strapped but how? - amnesiac 07:20:51 08/12/06 (13)
- Re: 6ak5 triode strapped but how? - amnesiac 11:52:37 08/12/06 (0)
- Common sense. - Poindexter 09:29:07 08/12/06 (11)
- This MUST be a typo - please correct it before he blows up his tubes! - Allen Wright 10:38:35 08/12/06 (10)
- Oops! - Poindexter 11:59:30 08/12/06 (9)
- "I don't see at a glance how connecting all the grids together... - Allen Wright 02:38:49 08/13/06 (8)
- Re: "I don't see at a glance how connecting all the grids together... - Poindexter 09:39:17 08/13/06 (6)
- Super enhanced triode mode? - Mark Kelly 22:12:39 08/13/06 (3)
- Thazzrite. - Poindexter 11:39:48 08/14/06 (2)
- Re: Thazzrite. - Pär 22:57:49 08/14/06 (1)
- Well, there you have it. - Poindexter 08:16:05 08/15/06 (0)
- Re: "I don't see at a glance how connecting all the grids together... - Pär 13:12:03 08/13/06 (1)
- G2 is connected to controlgrid (ie. negative compared to cathode) not much would happen at all... - Poindexter 14:03:52 08/13/06 (0)
- Re: "I don't see at a glance how connecting all the grids together... - amnesiac 07:07:29 08/13/06 (0)