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"Cars coming and going at all hours" sounds to me like...

...drug-related activity. I had an experience with some neighbors in my former apartment complex about five years ago. There were many people coming and going constantly, often at three or four in the morning. I was pretty sure these people were doing crystal meth, since they were always up at really strange hours. Also their faces had this sort of gaunt, hollow appearance that people who do the drug get.

I called up the local police and asked them what the best way would be to report drug-related activity. They told me I should call them while it was occurring. However, I never witnessed anything directly that would be reportable in that way. So I let it slide.

Some time later, I found out that the cops had raided their apartment, breaking down the door. Turns out that not only were they doing crystal meth, they were making it right in their apartment and selling it. That explained all the coming and going. I sure was glad to see them go.

Through all of this, I never did anything to let on to them that I had any hint or suspicion of any wrongdoing on their part whatsoever. I always said hi and everything, and sometimes even made small talk, but never tried to pry into their activities. I'd advise discretion. Maybe talking to the police on a hypothetical "what if" basis as I did might give you some idea of how to proceed.

Edits: 10/72/01 10/72/01

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  • "Cars coming and going at all hours" sounds to me like... - andy_c 21:55:49 04/17/05 (0)

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