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In all seriousness, how do I turn in someone I suspect is selling hot merchandise on Ebay?

Aside from me kidding around about being attracted to my neighbor... What would YOU do in my situation where I suspect my neighbor makes her living selling hot merchandise (including audio items) on Ebay? The more I look at the items she's sold in the last few years ("black market items" in her words), the more suspicious this all looks. Brand new very expensive welding equipment, used drywall nail guns, pressure washers, NIB brand name hand tools etc etc etc sold for a lot less than they're worth. She IS NOT in the construction trades nor has she ever been in them, trust me. This along with cars coming and going at all hours doesn't make someone suspicious? Plus this is the only way she supports herself and she told me she grossed over $4k last month. Anyway, if I want to get the ball rolling, what's the first step? Contact Ebay first or go directly to the police? Anonomous is the key here because I don't want whoever she is getting her stuff from at my house. Or is this all none of my buisness?

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Topic - In all seriousness, how do I turn in someone I suspect is selling hot merchandise on Ebay? - OceanAir 10:40:17 04/15/05 (22)

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