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It's not possible

Used Sawzalls with cases, nail guns with cases, construction site heaters, nail guns, drlls, circular saws etc etc all looking like they just got ripped off from someone's construction site job shack or job box box. I know what used construction tools look like as I am in one of the trades, and I have a feeling a lot of my fellow tradesmen's missing tools are what people like her are selling on Ebay with no questions asked. It's not hard to put two and two together here where it's coming from. If she had feedback from a few of those 25,000+ feedback sellers it would be a different story but she does not.

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Follow Ups
  • It's not possible - OceanAir 13:09:52 04/15/05 (1)
    • Hmmm... - eso 16:48:49 04/16/05 (0)

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