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It's possible


It's possible of course, that your neighbour has mades deals with various distributors to buy overstocked, bankruptcy sale, or discontiuned stuff. Those Ebay sellers with 25,000 feedbacks must be working this way. Someone with an auto wrecking yard gives "honorariums" to insurance adjusters so they call him first when a particularily nice car is totalled. There are many ways to get pallettes that are abandoned at fright terminals, people buy the contents of storage locker sight unseen. I met someone who bought a storage unit's contents sight unseen at auction for $1100 and there was an extremely nice '72 Rolls Silver Shadow in it.

As you speak to her and she even mentioned her income, I doubt there she is a cat burglar at night robbing welding supply shops.

But you could pry into the situation a bit more. You might say you'd like to do business in a small way like she does, but only high end audio or something and just ask where her items come from. If you're still suspeicious, the real test would be to carefully make an "order" - could she get a new pair of Soundlabs A-3s for $1000 or something? Do it anonymously through Ebay "questions to seller" on another of her audio items. The reply will probably include the source of her items, or if she's indignant at the suggestion, you've learned something.

In Los Angeles, when you want a really "inexpensive" Porsche, with the right car "locator" you can choose your colour- and the cost can't be beat!

From your description, it sounds like someone who's just found some sources from which to make extra income.


Bambi B

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