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Re: It's oh so easy to claim every component sounds different when you never have to prove it

When you consider the massive abuse some of these people have subjected their hearing to, deafening live rock concerts, the audible equivalent of staring straight into the sun, the idea that they have "golden ears" is laughable. What's remarkable is that they can still hear anything at all. And then to have the audacity of some of them to claim that they can design superior equipment by the way it sounds to them is ludicrous. To them, any equipment which doesn't cause the ringing in their ears to start back up is good. Small wonder they like sound systems with components which roll off high frequencies such as from vacuum tubes and phonograph records. Those with the worst case of tinnitis even prefer the sound of 78 RPMs because they have no sound abouve 5 khz.

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  • Re: It's oh so easy to claim every component sounds different when you never have to prove it - Soundmind 05:58:21 10/22/06 (0)

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