In Reply to: You bet (nt) posted by AJinFLA on October 19, 2006 at 18:31:01:
But since your system isn't, there's no way to tell.
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Follow Ups Full ThreadTopic - Anyone Seen This Post? - thetubeguy1954 13:22:46 10/16/06 (210)
- Since when are tweaks necessary for great recording? - Atexanathome 16:54:31 10/23/06 (0)
- No it's not asinine but your post does fit that bill. So now you know! - Don T 21:36:12 10/19/06 (0)
- Everything in audio makes a difference - Russ57 05:09:42 10/19/06 (9)
- Re: Everything in audio makes a difference - hitsware 19:18:29 10/19/06 (0)
- Re: Everything in audio makes a difference - Mahatma Kane Jeeves 17:57:34 10/19/06 (7)
- Not Everything in audio makes a difference - Dan Banquer 13:22:57 10/21/06 (0)
- Re: typo - Mahatma Kane Jeeves 18:00:01 10/19/06 (5)
- Re: typo - john curl 19:27:59 10/19/06 (4)
- And just like my palate is never touchy about what wine gets poured down it, so long as it's 12-14% business. nt - clarkjohnsen 08:50:17 10/23/06 (0)
- Re: typo - Mahatma Kane Jeeves 19:54:13 10/19/06 (2)
- No they don't ! Perfect objects of pride for a perfect world - Jacques 03:05:03 10/20/06 (0)
- Yep, that's true - unclestu52 20:57:45 10/19/06 (0)
- Re: Anyone Seen This Post? - andy19191 01:31:45 10/19/06 (0)
- "Why if these high profit margin audio products work as claimed.. - AJinFLA 17:04:46 10/19/06 (7)
- Funny. - Dave Pogue 17:33:34 10/19/06 (6)
- You bet (nt) - AJinFLA 18:31:01 10/19/06 (1)
- Your agreement is noted - Dave Pogue 18:40:06 10/19/06 (0)
- Funny? - Dan Banquer 17:57:10 10/19/06 (3)
- Re: Funny? - Dave Pogue 18:21:28 10/19/06 (2)
- Wire Directionality? - Dan Banquer 04:25:25 10/20/06 (1)
- Really? - Dave Pogue 04:39:32 10/20/06 (0)
- Snake Oil being sold by someone with 10 PhD's is, umm, Snake Oil - AJinFLA 19:10:09 10/17/06 (109)
- Truth Spoken By Any Man Is Still The Truth - thetubeguy1954 08:23:34 10/18/06 (104)
- The manufacturers who *actually* prey on people are named Sony, Panasonic, Bose, Pioneer... they deliver CR*P! nt - clarkjohnsen 08:47:19 10/18/06 (95)
- Perfect Sound Forever - WinthorpeIII 07:43:16 10/23/06 (1)
- ...and better, and better, and.... nt - clarkjohnsen 08:00:17 10/23/06 (0)
- Re: The manufacturers who *actually* prey on people are named Sony, Panasonic, Bose, Pioneer... they deliver CR*P! nt - thetubeguy1954 09:14:32 10/18/06 (50)
- "I cannot believe the disservice people like RBG do to the newbies." Believe it! nt - clarkjohnsen 09:58:27 10/18/06 (49)
- It's oh so easy to claim every component sounds different when you never have to prove it - Richard BassNut Greene 08:44:17 10/19/06 (48)
- Re: It's oh so easy to claim every component sounds different when you never have to prove it - Soundmind 05:58:21 10/22/06 (0)
- It's Even Easier To Deny Component Sounds Different When You'll Never Accept The Offer To Have It Proven! - thetubeguy1954 08:54:01 10/19/06 (46)
- So now I'm: "King of the Lunatic Fringe Objectivists" -- I always wanted to be king of my castle - Richard BassNut Greene 09:27:13 10/19/06 (45)
- What's the difference between these statements? - kerr 10:09:45 10/19/06 (33)
- Re: What's the difference between these statements? - andy19191 14:53:23 10/19/06 (20)
- Re: What's the difference between these statements? - kerr 04:18:56 10/20/06 (19)
- "I find your attempts at insults humorous. " - Richard BassNut Greene 07:50:10 10/20/06 (3)
- Get Real or Truthful At Least - thetubeguy1954 09:34:22 10/20/06 (1)
- Tubular you have turned into a junkyard dog with his jaws clamped down on my pants cuff (and won't let go ... - Richard BassNut Greene 12:29:00 10/21/06 (0)
- Re: "I find your attempts at insults humorous. " - kerr 09:21:44 10/20/06 (0)
- Re: What's the difference between these statements? - andy19191 06:17:32 10/20/06 (14)
- Re: What's the difference between these statements? - kerr 06:56:10 10/20/06 (13)
- Re: What's the difference between these statements? - andy19191 08:23:01 10/20/06 (12)
- Understood (nt) - kerr 09:25:18 10/20/06 (0)
- Come & Be Astounded - thetubeguy1954 09:13:44 10/20/06 (10)
- Re: Come & Be Astounded - andy19191 12:40:33 10/20/06 (7)
- Re: Come & Be Astounded - thetubeguy1954 14:24:22 10/20/06 (6)
- Are you now comparing yourself to Einstein? - Richard BassNut Greene 12:57:54 10/21/06 (2)
- Are You Really This Stupid? - thetubeguy1954 17:38:32 10/21/06 (1)
- Lighten up Tubular -- that was a joke and a very funny one too .... - Richard BassNut Greene 07:50:22 10/23/06 (0)
- Words to live by - kerr 18:04:17 10/20/06 (2)
- And how are we suffering? - Atexanathome 17:05:02 10/23/06 (1)
- Re: And how are we suffering? - kerr 08:56:58 10/24/06 (0)
- Didn't P.T. Barnum say something like that? (nt) - AJinFLA 09:44:37 10/20/06 (1)
- Hey! That was going to be MY line!!!! - Pat D 18:08:59 10/21/06 (0)
- If many audiophiles have trouble differentiating among components with brand names hidden ... - Richard BassNut Greene 13:35:06 10/19/06 (11)
- LYING RBG - thetubeguy1954 10:40:10 10/21/06 (0)
- Umm.... - kerr 04:23:00 10/20/06 (7)
- The only way to be SURE you can hear wire differences is to demonstrate your skill to witnesses - Richard BassNut Greene 07:18:18 10/20/06 (6)
- LYING RBG - thetubeguy1954 08:51:13 10/20/06 (5)
- Still one man's claims as "proof" -- are all the alleged witnesses to your claimed extraordinary hearing skills dead? - Richard BassNut Greene 09:29:02 10/20/06 (4)
- Ranting RBG (((Kerr Read This))) - thetubeguy1954 09:46:55 10/20/06 (3)
- Please make up your mind -- Am I ranting or am I lying or am I ranting AND lying -- people want to know - Richard BassNut Greene 12:44:23 10/21/06 (2)
- You Are Both - thetubeguy1954 17:49:19 10/21/06 (1)
- Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but everyone is not entitled to his own facts - Richard BassNut Greene 08:22:32 10/23/06 (0)
- Another Rant From RBG (( Kerr Read This ))) - thetubeguy1954 14:01:13 10/19/06 (1)
- Tubular you responded twice to my post -- which attack post should I read first ? - Richard BassNut Greene 12:47:05 10/21/06 (0)
- Don't Worry You Are, In Ranting RBG World! - thetubeguy1954 09:43:06 10/19/06 (10)
- In 40 years as an audiophile I've never heard a subjectivist say "I can't hear a difference between these two components - Richard BassNut Greene 13:44:52 10/19/06 (9)
- Your string is broken! ;-( - markrohr 03:54:24 10/20/06 (6)
- What Subjectivist Would Hang With RBG? - thetubeguy1954 08:56:39 10/20/06 (2)
- I would . . . - markrohr 12:27:57 10/20/06 (1)
- Sorry to disappoint you but I never argue about audio in person -- only on-line with WireNuts for entertainment - Richard BassNut Greene 12:55:18 10/21/06 (0)
- I said I'd never heard it -- I didn't say I'd never read it - Richard BassNut Greene 07:40:50 10/20/06 (1)
- Actually, the way I'd put #2 - markrohr 12:20:51 10/20/06 (0)
- Just what a guitarist loves to hear! :) - kerr 05:14:34 10/20/06 (0)
- PLEASE Tell Me You Are Not This Stupid! - thetubeguy1954 14:26:00 10/19/06 (1)
- You Are Not This Stupid - Richard BassNut Greene 07:34:12 10/20/06 (0)
- Yes Clark, to you, a $100 bottle of Fluoride is a much better value than a $100 Sony CDP LOL(nt) - AJinFLA 09:14:07 10/18/06 (41)
- Coward! - thetubeguy1954 09:18:35 10/18/06 (40)
- I didn't go see the image of the virgin mary on the side of that building, nor do I stay up late for Santa either. - AJinFLA 13:49:59 10/18/06 (37)
- Nor Do You Know The Truth About Wire & You Haven't The Guts To Learn It Either! - thetubeguy1954 17:21:25 10/18/06 (36)
- Look - AJinFLA 18:57:40 10/18/06 (35)
- Re: Look - john curl 21:33:24 10/18/06 (34)
- Wrong - AJinFLA 04:06:02 10/19/06 (33)
- It YOU Who's Wrong AJ - thetubeguy1954 08:15:14 10/19/06 (19)
- Re: It YOU Who's Wrong AJ - AJinFLA 15:02:09 10/19/06 (12)
- AJinFLA's Moronic & Cowardly Response - thetubeguy1954 07:38:13 10/20/06 (11)
- You forgot to take the slow deep breaths I suggested - AJinFLA 09:57:34 10/20/06 (10)
- Keep It Up! - thetubeguy1954 11:22:48 10/20/06 (9)
- How quickly you have descended to questioning the size of someone's gonads. - clifff 12:13:59 10/20/06 (8)
- Re: How quickly you have descended to lecturing others when you also insult to provoke! - thetubeguy1954 14:16:14 10/20/06 (5)
- So now I am an "Ignorant Piece of Shit"! - clifff 15:04:05 10/20/06 (4)
- Re: So now I am an "Ignorant Piece of Shit"! - thetubeguy1954 17:01:42 10/20/06 (3)
- Do I sound bothered? nt - clifff 02:32:45 10/21/06 (2)
- Rule no. 1: It's OK for TG54 to insult people. It's NOT- OK for you to point it out. - Pat D 08:36:48 10/23/06 (0)
- Yes You Did! (nt) - thetubeguy1954 17:50:31 10/21/06 (0)
- It was logically inevitable - AJinFLA 13:22:41 10/20/06 (1)
- Re: It was logically inevitable - thetubeguy1954 17:59:47 10/21/06 (0)
- "...staying up late for Santa." Yes, it's a coward's defense and a snarky one at that. - clarkjohnsen 08:54:20 10/19/06 (5)
- EXACTLY! - thetubeguy1954 09:31:42 10/19/06 (4)
- Re: EXACTLY! - john curl 10:58:58 10/19/06 (1)
- Ask AJinFLA That's His Beliefs! - thetubeguy1954 11:13:40 10/19/06 (0)
- "You would think AJinFLA would jump at the chance." Actually, no, I wouldn't. - clarkjohnsen 09:43:41 10/19/06 (1)
- Nor Was I, I Was Being Facetious. - thetubeguy1954 11:11:57 10/19/06 (0)
- Do you represent objectivists in general? - kerr 06:05:04 10/19/06 (12)
- I represent myself - AJinFLA 15:21:59 10/19/06 (1)
- Er... ok. - kerr 04:29:28 10/20/06 (0)
- "Or is it just you?" LOL! You perfectly well know the answer. nt - clarkjohnsen 08:56:10 10/19/06 (2)
- Seriously, I don't - kerr 09:53:57 10/19/06 (1)
- OF COURSE you know the answer; we all do. nt - clarkjohnsen 09:58:00 10/19/06 (0)
- YES It Is! - thetubeguy1954 08:36:53 10/19/06 (6)
- Re: YES It Is! - kerr 09:52:08 10/19/06 (5)
- Come On Down - thetubeguy1954 11:18:06 10/19/06 (4)
- Okay, I must ask... - andy_c 19:36:43 10/19/06 (1)
- Re: Okay, I must ask... - thetubeguy1954 09:19:03 10/20/06 (0)
- Will do! - kerr 11:34:06 10/19/06 (1)
- OK! - thetubeguy1954 12:29:22 10/19/06 (0)
- "The cheeks of your disbelief." Phrasemaker! nt - clarkjohnsen 10:00:17 10/18/06 (1)
- It's That Little Old Phrasemaker-- Me! nt - thetubeguy1954 10:35:38 10/18/06 (0)
- BS Spoken By A PhD Is Still BS - Richard BassNut Greene 08:39:57 10/18/06 (7)
- Truth Spoken By Any Man Is Still The Truth - thetubeguy1954 10:32:56 10/18/06 (1)
- "Extraordinary hearing ability" is the claimed ability to differentiate among virtually all wires and electronics - Richard BassNut Greene 07:56:12 10/20/06 (0)
- You don't need a PHD to pass on BS (NT) - unclestu52 09:26:24 10/18/06 (4)
- Nor To Speak The Truth (NT) - thetubeguy1954 10:37:01 10/18/06 (0)
- No, but it helps. ;-) nt - markrohr 10:17:49 10/18/06 (2)
- Just so you know... - Wellfed 00:01:44 10/19/06 (1)
- George Orwell once said - markrohr 04:30:34 10/19/06 (0)
- My preferred statement from Sprey is: - Jacques 01:41:40 10/18/06 (3)
- Re: My preferred statement from Sprey is: - john curl 10:53:50 10/18/06 (2)
- Cleaners - Jacques 12:50:26 10/18/06 (1)
- Re: Cleaners - john curl 15:48:14 10/18/06 (0)
- Mapleshade "free tweaks" range from bizarre to very useful -- I've never heard their wires - Richard BassNut Greene 09:50:09 10/17/06 (3)
- Re: Mapleshade "free tweaks" range from bizarre to very useful -- I've never heard their wires - Awe-d-o-file 12:41:38 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: Mapleshade "free tweaks" range from bizarre to very useful -- I've never heard their wires - kerr 15:30:31 10/17/06 (1)
- Re: Mapleshade "free tweaks" range from bizarre to very useful -- I've never heard their wires - Lynn 18:23:49 10/17/06 (0)
- Pierre's claims... - kerr 06:36:44 10/17/06 (36)
- "He adds to the rift... rather than seeking to bridge it." Hmm... - clarkjohnsen 09:13:20 10/17/06 (35)
- I have most of his cds and have tried most of his and Ron Bouman's wires and tweaks. - Norm 06:36:30 10/18/06 (3)
- I've gone pretty much the same direction... so we must be right! nt - clarkjohnsen 08:42:01 10/18/06 (2)
- Yeah, Grate minds think alike - AJinFLA 19:39:11 10/18/06 (1)
- With all apologies due to others that share my subjectivist leanings... - kerr 05:52:50 10/19/06 (0)
- Re: "He adds to the rift... rather than seeking to bridge it." Hmm... - Steve Eddy 10:05:14 10/17/06 (19)
- Here I thought that advanced degrees would appeal to "objectivists". Turns out, however... - clarkjohnsen 10:12:21 10/17/06 (18)
- I haven't yet met an objectivist... - Jim Austin 14:19:46 10/17/06 (12)
- "Objectivists" like yourself render judgements without benefit of listening; subjectivists listen. - clarkjohnsen 14:42:30 10/17/06 (11)
- Clueless Clark: "Objectivists" compare components without the bias of knowing brand names and having different SPL's - Richard BassNut Greene 15:00:37 10/17/06 (10)
- Ranting RBG: What Objectivists Call Extraordinary Hearing Ability A Subjectivists Calls A Trained Ear! - thetubeguy1954 10:44:00 10/18/06 (6)
- Aczel said that??? - kerr 11:27:48 10/18/06 (5)
- Re: Aczel said that??? - thetubeguy1954 12:07:01 10/18/06 (4)
- Re: Aczel said that??? - kerr 05:49:08 10/19/06 (3)
- Of course, it's basic to Aczel's POV. - Pat D 18:24:35 10/21/06 (2)
- Yes, you're correct - kerr 07:20:15 10/23/06 (1)
- Any specific criticisms? (nt) - Pat D 18:48:00 10/23/06 (0)
- Should I merely assume... - Wellfed 22:35:59 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: Should I merely assume... - kerr 04:53:48 10/18/06 (1)
- False negatives! Great thought. Objectivists don't have a clue what that would be. nt - Norm 16:12:02 10/18/06 (0)
- Re: Here I thought that advanced degrees would appeal to "objectivists". Turns out, however... - Steve Eddy 10:39:00 10/17/06 (4)
- *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* - Steve Eddy 14:56:29 10/17/06 (3)
- Re: *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* - Jim Austin 18:53:15 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* - Steve Eddy 19:17:02 10/17/06 (1)
- I hope not - Jim Austin 19:23:17 10/17/06 (0)
- PhD = Piled high and Deep -- very appropriate that he has two PhD's - Richard BassNut Greene 09:54:37 10/17/06 (1)
- RBG = Realtime BS Generator - thetubeguy1954 12:03:20 10/18/06 (0)
- See my post below to Tubeguy - kerr 09:35:44 10/17/06 (8)
- So who ranked them? But the fact is... - clarkjohnsen 09:47:11 10/17/06 (0)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - Steve Eddy 09:45:02 10/17/06 (6)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - kerr 11:19:25 10/17/06 (4)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - Steve Eddy 11:59:53 10/17/06 (3)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - kerr 15:25:53 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - Steve Eddy 17:56:37 10/18/06 (1)
- Re: See my post below to Tubeguy - kerr 10:13:08 10/19/06 (0)
- But that's a "worst case" evaluation. nt - clarkjohnsen 09:48:46 10/17/06 (0)
- Even Peter Aczel likes Mapleshade recordings. - Pat D 15:24:16 10/16/06 (1)
- Yes. I have - clifff 15:34:15 10/16/06 (0)
- Interesting - clifff 13:46:09 10/16/06 (35)
- Many of the tweaks evolved from the recording process - Dave Pogue 04:25:51 10/17/06 (0)
- Re: Interesting - thetubeguy1954 14:04:58 10/16/06 (33)
- I believe you ... - clifff 14:44:16 10/16/06 (32)
- Quotes From Mapleshade's Mailed Cataloge - thetubeguy1954 06:47:03 10/17/06 (14)
- You picked all of the MOST bizzare claims in the catalog -- you just LOVE being on the audio lunatic fringe don't you? - Richard BassNut Greene 10:04:17 10/17/06 (5)
- How do you get the right to define the audio lunatic fringe. I would maintain that you are on it. nt - Norm 16:20:03 10/18/06 (1)
- Good Guess Norm! - thetubeguy1954 17:24:07 10/18/06 (0)
- Re: You picked all of the MOST bizzare claims in the catalog -- you just LOVE being on the audio lunatic fringe don't yo - thetubeguy1954 13:03:02 10/17/06 (2)
- TubeGuy sez:"WIRES ARE A COMPONENT JUST AS CRITICAL AS SPEAKERS " = Tube Guy is a certified audio wacko - Richard BassNut Greene 08:24:21 10/18/06 (1)
- RBG sez Subjectivists = Extraordinary Hearing Ability , Even Peter Aczel Denies This! RBG = Lunatic Fringe Objectivist - thetubeguy1954 10:54:49 10/18/06 (0)
- Do you believe the quote from Page 33? - kerr 08:53:46 10/17/06 (7)
- Yes, I Know It's True! - thetubeguy1954 09:40:56 10/17/06 (6)
- Re: Yes, I Know It's True! - kerr 11:25:19 10/17/06 (4)
- Re: Yes, I Know It's True! - thetubeguy1954 13:52:14 10/17/06 (3)
- Nicely synopsized. nt - clarkjohnsen 08:38:25 10/18/06 (0)
- Thanks for the clarification (nt) - kerr 15:27:38 10/17/06 (1)
- De Nada (nt) - thetubeguy1954 11:01:34 10/18/06 (0)
- You dare to *play by ear*? What are you, some kind of *musician*? This is *science* fella! Get with it. nt - clarkjohnsen 10:47:31 10/17/06 (0)
- Thanks.... - thetubeguy1954 16:53:12 10/16/06 (16)
- Re: Thanks.... - john curl 20:56:54 10/16/06 (15)
- Re: Thanks.... - jneutron 08:12:34 10/17/06 (7)
- Re: Thanks.... - john curl 12:30:22 10/17/06 (6)
- Re: Thanks.... - Steve Eddy 14:21:38 10/17/06 (2)
- Yeah, just do it... - Wellfed 22:43:00 10/17/06 (1)
- Re: Yeah, just do it... - Steve Eddy 15:09:37 10/18/06 (0)
- Re: Thanks.... - jneutron 13:51:14 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: Thanks.... - john curl 10:58:38 10/18/06 (1)
- Your welcome. sorry I didn't have more for you. nt - jneutron 11:56:09 10/18/06 (0)
- JC: a Pearl Thrown In Manure - Jacques 01:20:09 10/17/06 (6)
- Re: JC: a Pearl Thrown In Manure - john curl 06:03:57 10/17/06 (5)
- Huh? - kerr 06:40:33 10/17/06 (4)
- Bravo Kerr! - thetubeguy1954 08:30:53 10/17/06 (3)
- It's simple, really - kerr 08:45:13 10/17/06 (2)
- Re: It's simple, really - bwaslo 09:08:36 10/17/06 (1)
- Re: It's simple, really - kerr 09:33:02 10/17/06 (0)
Follow Ups
- Your agreement is noted - Dave Pogue 18:40:06 10/19/06 (0)