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Will do!

You're a prince among men! Not sure when I'll be in Orlando but I'll be sure to look you up.

I'd also like to comment that you certainly have struck an interesting topic here. I've learned a little about the objectivist POV and my eyes have been opened a bit. I'm not sure I'm really interested in arguing the topic of cable/amp sonics anymore as it seems to be one of those things that will never get resolved. I had hope for awhile but I guess it really doesn't matter as long as we are all getting what we need from our systems. Thanks for standing firm on your offer to prove what subjectivists have known for decades.

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Follow Ups
  • Will do! - kerr 11:34:06 10/19/06 (1)
    • OK! - thetubeguy1954 12:29:22 10/19/06 (0)

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