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Excellent...thank you

Hi John.

JC: ""Perhaps I should have stated that the nanoresistors are free of Johnson noise. At least this is what I have been told. I suspect that the noise spectra essentially falls outside the audio range. What do you think? I haven't measured one, but I suspect that its noise would be very low compared to its effective resistance. Why don't you ask your associates? Someone must know something more specific about this. ""

Within the next few years, we'll have an up and running Center for Functional Nanomaterials, they are pouring the foundation this month. Then, there will be a real place to go to ask those exact questions. For now, the personnell who will populate the CFN are dispersed among the various departments...material science, NSLS, physics, chemistry, biology (they have a STEM microscope there), and the collider group.

The resistor itself is certainly without noise of any kind, as the electrons are moving ballistically, without any collision (or interaction if not comfortable with the billiard ball model)..the problem arises when the electrons hit the electrode at the end.

The difference from real resistors would stem from the spectra difference associated with the energy lost in the collision..if for example, you have a nano resistor that is 1 mm long withh 10 volts across it, you'd expect the collisions at the end of the tube to be with electrons that have 10 electron volts of energy. If you consider a normal resistor, a single electron would have say, a million collisions, each collision having 10 millionth's of an electron volt of energy..

So, the spectra would be different, and it would be interesting to know if the nanotube one provides some advantage over the normal one, given that it has a million times less collisions, but each one has a million times more energy..

This conversation is a pleasure John...thank you.



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  • Excellent...thank you - jneutron 07:41:01 08/24/05 (0)

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