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"Leap of Faith"

Thanks. Here is some more on where my head is at --

"I don't think that exact setup is necessary. But same manufacturer is IMO. IOW, most Notts will have similar sonic signatures as will VPI, etc."

Well, I don't know. I've heard that the bigger VPIs sound quite a bit different from the Scout, as did the HW series table, but I haven't heard them or the Nottinghams. But as you originally posted, there is also the arm/table interaction. And what about phonostage, preamp, power amp and speakers? And then even size and shape of room. Of course if you go too overboard, it becomes impossible to give any advice at all!

"At one time most posters had their systems listed in their profiles so you could see what system they were running and make a better informed decision as to whether their recommendation might be good for you. That helped take some of the "leap of faith" out of it. But alas, most today do not see the benefit of registering their system."

Thanks for the reminder - I just updated my system profile!

But what I mean by "leap of faith" is that, ulitmately, buying and matching a TT is just that. I just bought the CJ control amp, but only after first comparing it with a number of preamp/power amp combinations in my system in my listening room. Same thing with my Preludes. And I still have my Rotel CDP because I still have not found an affordable (to me) CD/SACD player that sounds sufficiently better than it does in my system. I always home audition . . . except I did not home audition the Scout / Ace I just bought. Why? Simply because I could't really do it. The dealer's only Scout had a Graham Robin arm and Glider HO cart. What good would that serve? I could buy used, but my physical disability requires a good dealer to set it up. So, I did research on the Scout and JMW-9 and what cart would have the right compliance for them and would work with my Creek given its gain and impedence, etc. It was an educated leap, sort of, but a leap nonetheless. It sounds WONDERFUL, but what can I compare it to? My Rega Planar 3 with a Goldring 1022 and my NAD 533 with a Grado Blue. The Scout sounds better to me (PHEW - I held my breath when the needle first touched the groove), but so might have the Horizon or any number of other tables. Or not. I certainly expected the other CDPs I auditioned to sound much better than my Rotel, but they didn't. So I really had no basis to believe the Scout would outperform the Rega other than what I had heard (and, perhaps, common sense?).

And yet, to a certain extent, I think advice on tables and arms and carts is VERY helpful. At a minimum it avoids mismatching on gain, compliance, impedence, etc., and alerts users to quirks in QC/QA and operational issues.

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  • "Leap of Faith" - JoshT 14:49:08 04/04/07 (1)

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