In Reply to: Re: Lynx and RME cards. posted by Dawnrazor on April 17, 2007 at 13:59:22:
Dawnrazor:I spent $80 on a Dynex 7.1 Channel soundcard based on the C-Media 8768. No ASIO at all, of course.
I spent $125 on a M-Audio Revolution 7.1 based on the Envy24HT chipset. No digital out under ASIO but WAY better DAC sound than the Dynex. The AK4358 8 channel DAC
2-channel DAC (fronts)- AKM AK4381 24-bit 192 kHz (THD+N -94 dB, DR 108 dB)
6-channel DAC (surround)- AKM AK4355 24-bit 192 kHz (THD+N -90 dB, DR 106 dB)
I then spent $125 on a Creative X-Fi because it had ASIO SPDIF. I gotta admit, I got this card because I truthfully though I was going to return it like I did the Audigy 2ZS (resampling issue). I was actually kind of shocked. I am really impressed with this card. In Audio Creation Mode / ASIO mode, this card really sounds good and the ASIO drivers work really good too. Channel mapping is very flexible.
The CD4382 8 channel DAC gets (THD+N: -100dB DR: 114dB)
>>>Enter Lynx: (THD+N: -104dB DR: 117dB) [Boo-ya!]
And we all know that DAC specs are just that: DAC specs. Build quality, OP amps, cap quality and board layout all contribute to the final sound.
I would like to get the Lynx 2B as a "long term stopping point" until I can afford to put together my "extreme" digital front end with all this "studio grade stuff operating in synchronous mode".
I am still using a decent (but admittedly upper-mid-fi) HT receiver for my "6 equal channels" of amp power. I only have high-end stuff (SET 300B, 6L6 tube amps etc) for two channel. But multi-way is just so much of an addiction for me right now, especially now that I am getting the hang of DSP room correction (DRC) and Thuneau's Allocator and Arbitrator. I'm running some JBL2441's as mids right now, and after some digital EQ, they sound pretty darned good - and quick too. They keep up to tweeters quite nicely. You can't use just any woofs with these - they need to be able to reach up and past the 600Hz lower usable limit of the 2380 lense. It's amazing the PRAT you can get when you digitally time align and do some EQ. That's why I like the Thuneau Allocator/Arbitrator - it has crossover functions, EQ functions and phase correction all in one VST plugin.
I guess I am afraid to get the Lynx2B because I might end up stopping there like so many Lynx 2B owners have. Then again, what's wrong with that?
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Follow Ups
- You're luckier than me. - Presto 16:17:44 04/17/07 (8)
- Re: You're luckier than me. - Dawnrazor 22:56:18 04/17/07 (7)
- I'm not smart... - Presto 10:14:20 04/18/07 (4)
- Remember - KISS is best - Christine Tham 14:52:29 04/18/07 (3)
- Re: Remember - KISS is best - endust4237 14:06:48 05/01/07 (0)
- just a bit more information on clocks to help you understand - Christine Tham 18:13:39 04/18/07 (1)
- Thanks Christine. You're a walking wiki. That's a keeper. :o) nt - Presto 13:46:55 04/19/07 (0)
- Re: You're luckier than me. - Christine Tham 23:25:59 04/17/07 (1)
- Oops - Dawnrazor 08:07:47 04/18/07 (0)