In Reply to: for $2500, which CDP to get? posted by Gofast on April 15, 2007 at 09:18:12:
Is a Levinson ML31 any good still? I found a low mileage one, I think I can get at a decent price.How is the Raysonic as a transport?
Or, I can take a deep breath and buy an ARC CD3 as a transport.
Keep the suggestions flowing. I appreciate the wealth of experience on this board.
Re the ARC DAC3, between mk1 and mk2, it appears main diff is upgrade from multicaps to infinicaps. I'll be doing that myself.
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Follow Ups
- Thx again. Bot an ARC DAC3. Now for transport. - Gofast 11:35:23 04/17/07 (3)
- Based On What I Know About the DAC...... - Todd Krieger 12:51:54 04/17/07 (2)
- CD3 - DAC3 NOS? - Frihed89 00:30:03 04/19/07 (1)
- Re: CD3 - DAC3 NOS? - Gofast 20:32:10 04/21/07 (0)