In Reply to: Why Is Lavry Being Singled Out??? posted by Todd Krieger on April 11, 2007 at 22:02:57:
Todd, as mentioned I was skeptical as well but nowhere does it say anymore that the DA10 does NOT use ASRC. In fact they removed the claim of no ASRC from the DA10 manual:From DA10 Manual Rev. 3.1:
The LavryBlack DA10 features:- Ultra low jitter modes (without sample rate conversion).
- Included sample rate conversion for non standard rates.
From DA10 Manual Rev. 3.2: - Ultra low jitter modes.
The LavryBlack DA10 features:
- Included sample rate conversion for non standard rates.
In summary is seems the first version of the DA10 did not use SRC (the one you tried out), but after claims of locking problems with that series seemed to be changed to SRC. Not sure whether the sound between the two versions changed.
Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derjenigen, die die Welt nicht angeschaut haben.
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
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Follow Ups
- And because ... - restock 23:08:21 04/11/07 (3)
- Re: And because ... - Todd Krieger 12:24:10 04/12/07 (2)
- There is Just One DA-10 - Mel 14:35:50 04/13/07 (0)
- Re: Lavry DA10 - restock 23:07:56 04/12/07 (0)