The system here has got somewhat junked up with too many players so I'm seriously considering installing a universal unit in this combined audio-video system. For some time now I've looked down my nose and spurned these "Universal" players as really not being up to scratch when it come to quality audio.But things are changing, particularly with players that turn off the video circuits while audio only is playing.
But whatever I end up getting will be modded so the problem is to choose something in the price range of the top Denon which handles CD, SACD, DVD-A (yes I regretfully have a few) and DVD-V (including burned -R disks) AND is worth the expense of upgrading.
The top Denon (labelled A1XVA here but different in the US) looks good on paper and handles PAL as well as NTSC. Esoteric have a mind numbing selection of players but the better ones seem very expensive and I'm not considering the P-03 range which got a rave write up in the latest TAS. The Ayre C-5XE reads well although is more expensive than the Denon so I wonder if the same money spent on modding a Denon would not yield even better results. There have been quite a few mods done on Denons and their 3930 appears almost as good as the A1XVA, particularly if modded.
So which Universal player in this sort of price bracket would you consider or have had experience as the best candidate to have modified?
Do not criticise the idiots in this world - we need them as they make the rest of us look so much better :-)
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Topic - Which Universal Player would you upgrade? - John C. - Aussie 19:26:49 04/05/07 (40)
- Re: Which Universal Player would you upgrade? - 213Cobra 23:53:35 04/20/07 (0)
- Still researching, but it seems nearly all benefit from modding - but one company spurns clock upgrades! - John C. - Aussie 19:20:08 04/07/07 (27)
- Clocks - Dave Garretson 06:57:54 04/12/07 (1)
- That coincides with my (limited) experience also - John C. - Aussie 14:36:34 04/12/07 (0)
- Modding (aka "tweaking") - an analogy... - DevillEars 03:12:04 04/09/07 (0)
- Stock SCD-XA777ES vs modded ... - Dr.Jazz 17:48:15 04/08/07 (1)
- Haven't Sent My In For Mods - Robertc88 13:30:13 04/10/07 (0)
- Teac Esoteric Transport mechanism = VRDS-NEO - DevillEars 14:19:56 04/08/07 (6)
- And is the Esoteric UX-1MK2 a universal player worth investigating? - John C. - Aussie 19:28:07 04/08/07 (4)
- My apologies... 'twas not my intention... - DevillEars 01:14:23 04/09/07 (3)
- No need to apologise - John C. - Aussie 14:59:18 04/09/07 (2)
- I'd suggest a bit more research or just buy the Denon... - DevillEars 23:12:50 04/09/07 (1)
- Good advice thanks - John C. - Aussie 20:57:19 04/10/07 (0)
- Yes, VERY interesting thanks - John C. - Aussie 16:45:19 04/08/07 (0)
- Finally, someone who makes sense! - Christine Tham 03:08:35 04/08/07 (14)
- To mod or not to mod - John C. - Aussie 15:29:30 04/08/07 (4)
- Re: To mod or not to mod - Christine Tham 18:22:41 04/08/07 (3)
- Re: To mod or not to mod - John C. - Aussie 18:51:38 04/08/07 (2)
- Re: To mod or not to mod - Christine Tham 19:08:56 04/08/07 (1)
- I am also susceptible to the voodoo that surrounds this hobby of ours - John C. - Aussie 19:19:13 04/08/07 (0)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Ted Smith 10:43:37 04/08/07 (5)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Christine Tham 17:52:02 04/08/07 (4)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Ted Smith 18:15:11 04/08/07 (3)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Christine Tham 18:41:09 04/08/07 (2)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Ted Smith 19:17:40 04/08/07 (1)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Christine Tham 19:39:28 04/08/07 (0)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - 10:22:21 04/08/07 (2)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - Christine Tham 18:01:49 04/08/07 (1)
- Re: Finally, someone who makes sense! - 09:35:14 04/09/07 (0)
- Have you considered the Theta Compli? - DevillEars 04:50:10 04/06/07 (2)
- Had a look thanks - John C. - Aussie 16:10:10 04/06/07 (1)
- In that case... - DevillEars 13:08:50 04/07/07 (0)
- Esoteric DV-60........ - Alex Peychev 19:50:12 04/05/07 (7)
- Thanks, but the video is important - John C. - Aussie 17:59:10 04/06/07 (6)
- Then you are screwed - Charles Hansen 18:39:23 04/06/07 (5)
- Re: Then you are screwed - Dawnrazor 19:45:25 04/06/07 (0)
- Maybe not - John C. - Aussie 19:13:39 04/06/07 (3)
- Re: Maybe not - Charles Hansen 19:37:15 04/06/07 (2)
- Thanks for the input - John C. - Aussie 20:03:50 04/06/07 (1)
- Re: Thanks for the input - Lowrider 04:10:51 04/19/07 (0)