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Maybe , maybe not ;)

Hi ,
I'm no expert but I've had shitloads of valves pass through my hands over the past few years , so I think I know how to spot a good one , anyway here goes..... The particles may be pieces of filament material , although occasionally (posibly through rough handling) , some of the gettering may come away . Usually valves I find with loose gettering also have glass rattle . As long as there is getter flash the vacuum is intact . Gettering soon goes to white if air is getting in , although some air creapage may have occured over the years , use of the valve or baking will clear this up . The amount of gettering is not a sign on how good the valves are nor is any signs of discolouration . You could always bake the valves prior to use if you are concerned about residual gas . Use Imageshck.us for free hosting or use right click on your Ebay picture and add the URL to the bar below below . Hope this helps :)


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