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Re: My 26 SE Headphone Amp Using AC Filaments – A Development?

Hi ,
I am not familiar with this currently popular 'Aikido' topology . Have you tried the 26 in a standard resistor or CCS loaded common cathode circuit ? Also is the cathode bias resistor bypassed ? I tend to use NimH batteries so I cannot comment on unbypassed/bypassed resitor biasing on the 26 . DC filaments should be very easy to implement . Just use a heatsinked LT1085 or LM1084-ADJ connected as CCS after the rectification/smoothing , factor in an extra 3 volts or more to keep the CCS in compliance . Alternatively an alkaline 8A/h 'D' cell should get you up and running almost instantly on DC , I cannot vouch for the life of the battery in this application though ;)


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