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Re: Dumb question...bear with me

Hi Russ,

By "CCS heating" I meant current regulation in the heater supply, of course this only applies for DC heating, but for a pre-amp/line-stage I think AC is too noisy anyway.

We've tried (so far) bench PSUs, conventional voltage regulation using 3-terminal regs, and several flavours of constant current regulator. In general, the constant current type regulators sounded better than the voltage regualtors, but there were significant differences between current regulators, too. We also found that in general, a common mode choke at the end improves things.

So far my favourite is the circuit posted by Rod Coleman in the thread linked below, the results were excellent. In this case, the common mode choke made it sound worse! (Go figure)


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  • Re: Dumb question...bear with me - jub_jugs 05:26:03 08/16/06 (0)

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