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They are VITAL for safety reasons!

Any intelligent amp designer/builder uses such R's to bleed off the energy in the big B+ caps that may well remain after you turn it off, and hopefully before you get your mitts in there. Take them out and suffer the consequences if you have one moment of inattention... Ask me how I know...

I am **far** from being a whimpy safely Nazi, but get really worried when I read of people performing extensive work on high voltage gear without any apparent basic knowledge of sensible high voltage circuit practice.

I strongly suggest everybody here finding themselves an old copy of the "ARRL Handbook" (the Ham Radio Bible) from back when tubes were common - say the 60's - and read up on their suggested construction & safety practices. This book contains totally down to earth advice from professional level high voltage amp builders to non professional high voltage amp builders, and I'm sure knowing this has kept me alive across more than 45 years of shoving my own mitts into all sorts of 400VDC+ gear. Tube ham transmitters regularly use(d) 2500V of B+ so they know of what they speak!

Highly recommended!


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  • They are VITAL for safety reasons! - Allen Wright 01:42:10 08/08/06 (1)

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