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Re: CJ PV-10 Power Supply Mods, to remove current sinks?

In my case, they are physically located directly behind (towards the back) of the 3.3K resistor and 0.010 bypass cap. They are also to the side of the voltage divider which feeds the heater regulator.

Electrically they go from the low side of the 3.3K resistor to ground.

I don't think they were helping the 3.3K resistor, if anything the increase in current draw should raise the voltage drop across the 3.3K.

It has been a really long time since I analyzed semiconductor circuits. I think one way I can reduce the power dissipation on the A92 is to increase the emittor resistor value from 330 Ohms to 470 or the like. I may just have to try it. :)

Thanks Stu!

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  • Re: CJ PV-10 Power Supply Mods, to remove current sinks? - erik_squires@hotmail.com 17:33:35 08/06/06 (0)

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