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So if you don't like the "tone" of a letter You decide you don't have to respond??? I want to make sure this is perfectly clear.

Someone knowingly violates the POSTING RULES AT THE ASYLUM and you decide or don't decide, to take action based on the "tone" of his/her letter??? It does Not matter what the nature of the violation is or that this person has done it twice, thereby flaunting the very rules that you set up, what matters is your subjective interpretation of this person's tone???

See, I don't take participation in AA lightly, and I do think it is a valuable tool both for education and entertainment, which is why I am so upset at your inablity to do so much as provide a simple response to my inquiry. As I clearly stated, I didn't continue to pursue this after the first occurance, but when it happened a second time and still got no response, I had to wonder what is going on here.

If an AA member cannot receive at the very least, a brief response to their inquiry, then there is something wrong. Are you here to serve the interests of the Audio Asylum and its members, or your own vested interests???

As to the "tone" of my letter to which you refer, I would be completely unashamed to have you print this or for me to post its complete contents for all to see. If you had a problem with its "tone" or the merrits of this entire matter, then you should have informed me as such. I am a very reasonable person and I only expect the same courtesy from you. Thank you.


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