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What would you do if another Inmate posted TWICE using your Username ???

For the Second time in less than a month another Inmate has posted here using My "Username". The first occurance was 8-13-02 and the second was 9-6-02. What would you do and how would you feel if this happened to you???

The person who posted under my Username is: Big Dave

The first time this happened, I used the "Inmate Comments" feature forwarding the message and adding my comments to this post. I asked to be notified as to what action/s would be taken concerning this matter since this is a clear violation of the POSTING RULES AT THE ASYLUM. I waited and waited but recieved no response except for the "automatic" response which is always sent by AA. I was disappointed in not being notified but decided it best to lay the matter to rest.When this happened for the second time last Friday, I again notified AA and strongly requested a response as to how this would be dealt with. AGAIN, I have received Nothing to date, except an "automatic response".

I really would have preferred Not to have to make this matter public on the Forum. However, since this has happened twice with NO response from AA, I felt that this had to be dealt with.

While I think that a person clearly violating AA rules is a serious matter, I would have been agreeable to let the AA "powers that be" handle this matter. Since they appear Not to have addressed this matter, I decided to make this public and to inlist your opinions on what you think should be done to this individual. Also, I would like to know how you would react to this situation if it happened to you.

The apparent indifference and lack of action on the part of AA is more disappointing to me than the Clear Violation by"" Big Dave"" of the POSTING RULES AT THE ASYLUM. There is an extensive list of POSTING RULES AT THE ASYLUM, but only a very small section devoted to consequences of violating these rules.

The section on "Cool It/Banning Policy" is quite brief. There is No explaination as to how "Comments" are handled, who decides what actions should be taken,or when ations will take effect. Basically, I have to wonder about a system which lists many rules but offers little if any INPUT or Notice for those affected by rules violation.

What is the purpose for having an extensive set of Posting Rules, if we have no right to a clear explaination of the consequences of Rule Violation???.......What is the purpose of having a "Comments" section if we have no guarantee of a response other than an automatic one???

I couldn't help but wonder how certain "well known members" would have reacted had this happened to them. Also, I couldn't help but wonder how quickly this would have been dealt with if these same people had been affected.

Now, in the grand scheme of Life is this really that important? After all this is just an Audio Asylum, right ? Well, perhaps it is not a life threatening occurance and this is just a hobby forum. However, if you are going to operate on the premise that we must abide by specific Posting Rules, then I say these rules must be followed and we All have a right to have our comments heard, acted upon in a TIMELY FASHION as well as to be notified of any consequences to violations of rules when these violations involve us.

I also want to make it clear that I have had No contact with this individul since the first incident and I have no vendetta against him.The only time I have submitted "comments" are in these 2 situations.I also believe that this forum should not be heavily involved with punitive actions. However, when a person knowingly and willfully violates the rules, there should be consequences. There should also be a system in place that identifies consequences for violations and a system that provides for specific and substantive notification of all parties involved. Thank you.



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Topic - What would you do if another Inmate posted TWICE using your Username ??? - MEP14 11:04:41 09/10/02 (52)

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