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Re: I'll try...

The truth is this whole thing spun out of control when the Bored members started posting foul, crude and insulting messages. I have 2 legs to stand on and they are both firmly planted on the ground. Ted, you are one of the Good Ole Boys so your opinion does not carry any weight with me.

As far as IP addresses changing that is probably true to some extent, but it doesn't explain some of the postings here and it doesn't explain why certain Boared Members have to make flaming, insulting posts under assumed identities. Btw, I know who made some of them, regardless what you say about IP addresses. I am no fool nor are others here.

This started out having nothing to do with dynamic assigning of addresses but on principle. There was an obvious Rules violation, which I discretely inquired about in order to avoid discord. That was ignored. It happened and again it was deemed "unimportant". The truth is this place has no real rules except those which the Bored deems important enough to them to act upon. That changes with their mood and it obviously depends on their whimsy.They do what they want, when they want, with no accountability to anyone. They just hide behind their anyonymity when it suits them. That is a sad way to run this Forum or to run anything.

As far as them allowing me to stay, I could care less what they do. Numerous Bored members have made anonymous postings flaming and insulting me. So, I can assume they are just waiting and trying to goad me into some drastic action or language to take some final action. I say, do as you will, I don't care.

I am an honest, sincere person who treats others with respect.If you knew me as several decent unpretentious members here do,you would not resort to judging me when you don't even know me. I don't like pedantic, condescending persons who are quite numerous here. I have made my feelings known about that here. Your really have no right to treat others in this fashion. You are a classic example of that type of person. I have seen you and this small core of Regulars continually talk down to persons who just want an answer to a question. I have seen you drive off people by your cursory words. That is the type of place the AA is and you are the type of person who makes it unpleasant.

If people play along with your unwritten rules and kiss your butt, then all is fine. All you have here really is a small core of pedantic egotists who want things done their way only. Well, enjoy your little club, because that is how you treat it, as your personal playground. If it fullfils your life to persist in this manner, then God speed. This place will always be the same with NO growth or development as long as you and this small core of people hold sway.All it amounts to is a Popularity contest, with No regard to the actual rules. This has been proven to me especially this week.

As far as being "rude", you are the eptiome of rudeness. You regularly answer people with crude and condescending remarks, making them feel Totally Unwelcome. Is it any wonder that so few new people actively join in the discussions? No, it is not with your behavior. I don't know where you get off acting with this air of superiority, but it is Very unbecoming.

You can have your playground, I want no part of it. Life is too short to waste valuable time amongst egotists who make rules up as they go along and ignore the posted rules because they don't like someone's personality or attitude. I know this is your life which is sad but if it is that important to you, you can have it all to yourself.


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