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Actually, it's not special at all.

<< Like Joe Consumer gets that treatment >>

Actually they do.

All of our dealers are professionally run organizations that have our equipment on display. They are familiar with it, know how to use it, and can explain its design features. They will usually loan it out to prospective purchasers to make sure it is right for their system. All pretty much the same thing we do with reviewers. (Which, by the way, is one big reason we don't have any mail-order sellers.)

And what would *you* suggest? That we just send a box and hope it didn't get damaged in shipping? And hope that the reviewer had time to read the manual? Would you actually prefer that the magazine test equipment in such a way so as to *not* obtain its full potential?

When you start a magazine, let me know and I'll be sure not to send any review samples to you.

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  • Actually, it's not special at all. - Charles Hansen 19:31:37 02/25/07 (0)

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