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In Reply to: RE: Bad ebay seller................ posted by RedGrant on July 26, 2011 at 18:32:45
So.. You won an item and the person refused to go through with the sale. You got your THIRTY SEVEN dollars back.
And you waant some sort of permanent note to warn folks about this travesty?
Ahhhhh... no.
I think you know why the person refused to go through with the deal. You are pissed because you wanted something for way less that it was worth.
Get over it is my suggestion.
Follow Ups:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, within reason. A writer below said that he listed something wrong, explained that to the would-be buyer, and then refunded the buyer's money. Mistakes are one thing.
But this doesn't appear to be a mistake, especially given the oddball price of $37, but rather "seller's remorse." In that case, it's a contract and should have gone through. I've sold a couple of things on eBay that went for too little. It ticked me off, but it was a contract, and I followed through. I learned to list most things as "buy it now or best offer."
I see your point Elizabeth but respectfuly do not agree with you.
IMO the seller was obliged to provide the item. He or she could have listed it with a reserve or BIN option but took a chance and it came in well below its value.
I don't think it's overreacting. The seller listed it for sale...buyer wins it fair and square...the seller shouldn't have the luxury of backing out at the last minute. If a buyer backs out, they get blacklisted for it...why should a seller be held to a different standard?
...his whine is preferable to those who think it important to tweet the world about their trip to Starbucks.
just my opinion..........
The OP had info that could potentially help others. Your post?
I was willing and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt on this and other issues over the last year or so. I've finally decided you're out of balance mentally.
...i, for one, would certainly want to know this guys' ebay and paypal address. i would not want to have anything to do with him.it doesn't matter how much he was selling an item for..$37 or $ 3700...
No I think he was pissed that he won the item and the money was paid and thats a sale and the seller never sent the item. He went by the ebay rules and there was no reserve so does not matter what he paid he completed the transaction and you flame the guy for posting about it is typical Elizabeth response unless it pertains to you then it is OK.
Like everytime someone comes up here with some sad story we have to buy into it hook line and sinker, offer comfort and condolences without even ever hearing the other side, or we be labelled trouble makers.
And beyond that I find it completely unreasonable that any eBay seller or buyer get taken to the woodshed if they changed their minds. Who cares why they changed their minds but big deal let people be.
IMO it's the damaged guy taking them to the woodshed who are causing me the most grief.
He took the buyers money and refused to ship him the goods. Where I come from that is fraud. His reputation should be tarnished because he committed fraud. If the seller simply changed his mind he would have contacted the buyer and returned his money. According to the buyer the seller didn't refund his money, Ebay did.
Let me see if I got this straight. Maybe I'm missing something. The buyer buys something off Ebay, follows all of the rules, sends the seller the agreed upon amount, the seller won't ship the goods and when the buyer exposes him as a fraud some people think he's overreacting and should get over it. I just don't understand why someone would think that way.
....if this was simply a case of the seller wishing to get a little more than what he got, which was a pretty 'bad' deal from his perspective.
One time I won a Sony Super Metal Master for $15, and the seller suddenly informed me that he had made a mistake and found out he no longer had it on stock and offered to refund me. Now, this was a seller with whom I have been doing steady business for almost a year.
So I gave him a pass and didn't leave a negative feedback since he might be telling the truth, or even if he were lying, he had a good reason to lie, and he never jerked me around like this loser I posted about.
Then they should post their listings as a buy now or make an offer. Even easier is to set the minimum reserve price on auctions. The rules are clearly posted and he chose to list with no reserve so he should abide by the rules. The problem today is too many people do not follow rules anymore. what is so hard to follow. If it were me I would leave negative feedback.
What you propose to do seems reasonable given the side of the story as told by the OP. But we don't know what the seller is saying so how can we propose or condone any solution.
And further if a seller or buyer want out of any deal I simply just let them out. Big deal? I have no interested whatsoever in forcing someone into compliance or damaging their reputations if they communicate with me that they have changed their minds.
"What you propose to do seems reasonable given the side of the story as told by the OP. But we don't know what the seller is saying so how can we propose or condone any solution."
All you have to do is go to ebay, and find the seller's name that I provided and check what the seller had to say about it. I called him a fraud, and ebay refunded and no response from the seller.
"And further if a seller or buyer want out of any deal I simply just let them out. Big deal?"
....and that's how businesses are supposed to be run, right?
"I have no interested whatsoever in forcing someone into compliance or damaging their reputations if they communicate with me that they have changed their minds."
First of all, he never communicated with me for over a month, with 3 emails from me. So you haven't even read my op.
Second of all, if someone deliberatley renegeded on deal like this one, they deserved to be have their refutation damaged.
He's not here to tell us his side and you got paid.
Now you come here to further damage him? Well good for you!
And even worse you propose AA keeps a list of people we've had bad experiences with - yea right how nice for us to get to ding people we've had problems with without allowing them to tell their story.
.........finding out you 'jumped' the gun with 'blanks'.
You want to talk about people behind their back - I find it offensive.
You propose we form a blacklist - I find it offensive.
That's it that's all - we should just agree to disagree. OK?
........'shot' from the hip with 'blanks'.
There is no other side to the story. he paid. Seller renegaded and ebay refunded not the seller. You seem to defend someone who breached a contract which would not speak well for your integrity either if that's the case.
Integrity, ethics? What strawmen. Give me a break the seller made a mistake or changed his mind. Big deal talk about not knowing when to fight your battles.
Your wrong plain and simple/ He should post negative feedback also. When someone takes your money and does not return it until ebay gets involved thats not spite on the OP part.. If you thinks thats ok your integrity is at question. So if you feel so strong about that seller you should buy from him. Jeez talk about fighting battles. If I was in one I would certainly no feel comfortable if you were by my side
Yea sure if the OP wants to leave a negative I got no problem with that.
I don't expect everyone to handle transactions the same way as me.
What I don't like is inmates coming up here with one side of a story and publicly slamming a 3rd party.
He got his money and left negative feedback and that should have been an end to it.
And yea I might still buy from this seller inspite of Reds comments and the negative - I just don't know enough to pass judgement.
I can tell you for sure I wouldn't buy or sell from Red - if something went wrong or things didn't go as he planned who knows where on the internet I might find him bad talking me.
....I am telling the truth? - Galatian 4:16
Edits: 07/28/11
I don't know all the details of this situation - but it doesn't even matter.
Fact - you got your money back.
Fact - now you are here tarnishing the sellers reputation.
Just doesn't seem right you making a case like this here on AA.
........you decided to spend bunch of your time on this case.
As for my reason for op, I want to give heads off to other members.
If I was contemplating a transaction with that man I would consider it then. Heck with all your ranting and raving over this botched $37 transaction this guy might as well just start up a new store front - we won't benefit from this rag nor from your negative feedback.
.......since your criticism of my op has self-disintegrated.
You have not even read it fully.
Heck with all your ranting and raving over this botched $37 transaction this guy might as well just start up a new store front - we won't benefit from this rag nor from your negative feedback.
You want to talk about people behind their back - I find it offensive.
You propose we form a blacklist - I find it offensive.
That's it that's all - we should just agree to disagree. OK?
........that you did not even read my op in full context before making your comments about my motive.
You want to talk about people behind their back - I find it offensive.
You propose we form a blacklist - I find it offensive.
That's it that's all - we should just agree to disagree. OK?
you sure your not the seller. LOL this guy had total 6 transactions on ebay and renegaded on two of them both in July. Everything he gets is deserved. . Maybe you are the seller.
Making some sort of permanent note was the foolish thing, and is over-reacting. The guy certainly has every right to be annoyed.
I did NOT say the buyer was stupid, but you are for reading into my post your own agenda.
So for you to.. get over it. LOL
"Making some sort of permanent note was the foolish thing, and is over-reacting."
Please explain why.
now you know why you get flamed as much as you do and usually end up in the whiners road area. You get over it
"I think you know why the person refused to go through with the deal."
Of course, I understand that for the same reason I want to sell my currency contracts for more than I've paid for, but the fact is no matter how careful, sometimes I gotta take a loss.
"You are pissed because you wanted something for way less that it was worth."
My dear lady, so following your logic, you wouldn't shop at the going out of business sales?
this is exactly right- he thought he stole something, and didn't get away with it! Still ok to shop at going out of business sales, but just don't count your chickens until they hatch. That's what OP violated- he talked himself into the benefits of his "thievery" way before it was in his hand, then the degree of fury over such a meaningless event matches his sense of loss, not the actual (non)transaction. Elizabeth's upset because women usually just can't stand whiners!
"his is exactly right- he thought he stole something,..."
No, I thought I got a good deal.
".... and didn't get away with it! Still ok to shop at going out of business sales, but just don't count your chickens until they hatch. That's what OP violated- he talked himself into the benefits of his "thievery" way before it was in his hand, then the degree of fury over such a meaningless event matches his sense of loss, not the actual (non)transaction."
So following your logic, anyone shopping at going out of sales for good deal is a thief?
"Elizabeth's upset because women usually just can't stand whiners!"
I thought she was A-class in whining.
Wanting to set it in stone is kind of silly IMO.
....about someone willing to commit a fraud?
If the seller didn't want to take the risk of the cable selling for less then he wanted to take, he should have made the minimum bid higher.
I listed some ties with a minimum bid of five cents. They all sold for five cents! Was I pissed? Yes, especially when the same person bought most of them and wanted me to combine shipping. Even though I lost money on the deal, I didn't not ship the items. A contract is a contract even though eBay makes it easy for sellers to weasel out of them.
Thanks for the tip, I probably wouldn't buy from that seller.
Beleive it or not sellers used to be able to put one bid in their own items on eBay. I think too many people complained but to me it sounds like a fair idea. Ebay gets paid, seller loses money and buyer breaks even.
Gotta wonder who would complain about that?
"Beleive it or not sellers used to be able to put one bid in their own items on eBay. I think too many people complained but to me it sounds like a fair idea. Ebay gets paid, seller loses money and buyer breaks even."
If stock market is run like that who would want to invest in mutual fund?
"Gotta wonder who would complain about that?"
Security exchange commision, and your local district attorneys.
you most certainly believe
.......end, since you cannot rebut my reasoning.
You want to talk about people behind their back - I find it offensive.
You propose we form a blacklist - I find it offensive.
That's it that's all - we should just agree to disagree. OK?
.........you simply resort to name-calling.
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