Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

a few more thoughts

The Wharfedale Diamond 9.2 is a significant step up from the 9.1. I don't know what they sell for new where you are, but these are a steal when found secondhand.

There are other good budget bookshelves - as noted the Primus, lots of people seem to like the Insignias, even the entry level B&W can be had in your price range if bought second hand.

If you're playing ripped music that will most likely be the limiting factor in sound quality, depending on how its encoded, especially if you're using a lossy codec like MP3 or AAC at a low bitrate. Think about using the highest possible bitrate, Apple Lossless, or full-res wav files if feasible. Otherwise investing in good speakers won't pay off

Your computer sound card will be another major bottleneck. Consider inserting a USB DAC, something like the Headroom Bithead (there are other possibilities too, a search on the Digital Asylum is in order). You could fit one of these plus a pair of secondhand speakers into your budget for a very nice solution for a combined headphone/speaker system

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  • a few more thoughts - troporobo 17:54:14 09/20/06 (0)

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