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"Don't flatter yerself" - The only noticeable attempt at self-flattery around here...

...is your virtual flatulence. If I were you I'd cut back on the half-baked beans and try to avoid raising a stink over other folks's musical tastes.

>>> "...you got your ass kicked in this thread..." <<<

Ummm, I don't think so, but then I'm not the one inviting the boot (see image above) with incessant trash talk. IMHO, your posts are beginning to take on the appearance of an old Al Capp character.

Come back when your self-esteem has matured enough to allow you to discuss these differences on an intellectual basis. Right now your post's bile content is at such a high level that it has about as much interest as you have in listening to Kansas.

The ball is in your sandbox.

Take care, l'il YECH,

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  • "Don't flatter yerself" - The only noticeable attempt at self-flattery around here... - Audiophilander 01:31:51 05/27/06 (0)

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