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Re: too many flames for my comfort level!

It is funny about flames. My career for the past 15 years has revolved around creating business forecasts, demand and whatnot. Forecasts by their very nature are wrong. Early on I used to get really bent when people would attack, which they always do if it serves their agenda. Now, I am so jaded to the mindless abuse that I really, truly do not care about uneducated opinions on things which I have much greater knowledge of. They can fire me if they wish, I will find another job, but I refuse to capitulate and lend credence to crap.
That is why I have this odd little hobby. I know about enough to avoid electrocution and implement other people’s ideas. If someone has an opinion, it is very easy to verify through implementation. At the end of the day, if it sounds good to me it is good. I really do not care if someone disagrees with my implementation unless their suggestions improve the sound. Another great thing is that there is something called electrical engineering that uses physics versus "marketing savvy".

That is why things like NFB being always bad or cathode bypass caps are always to be avoided or zero ohm chokes being nirvana versus the hell of 100 ohm chokes are simply entertaining, not threatening.

Long Live Dr.Gizmo

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