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Too Much HIGH GAIN - Just Build 807 Williamson A515 - Use of NFB?

I've just built my monobloc 807 Williamson amp. I'm experiencing lots of problems with HISS (not HUM). My problem is the amp has too much gain. I only have like 3 usable notches on the preamp dial before it goes way too loud. I suppose having 104dB efficient speakers doesn't help.

I have not employed any negative feedback and curious about how bad it is? Many swear it's the devil to use and I havn't came across many of those that insist some form of NFB should be used. However, a -20dB Feedback would help a lot in the abnormally high gain (which is probably where i'm getting so much hiss from).

Full schematic and details can be found here:


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Topic - Too Much HIGH GAIN - Just Build 807 Williamson A515 - Use of NFB? - Super_BQ 14:11:51 12/02/06 (24)

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