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Re: Complex music v. ? on ? and ?

You know, it's been that long since I've looked at the 833 curves I was working from memory. I considered trying to do something with that tube a long time ago and was sure that I dismissed it for its non-linearity but you have jogged my memory and it was because of the OP tranny. Looking at the curves again they don't look so bad ... not quite as good as the traditional lower powered favourites but OK. My error, I should have used the term relatively rather than inherently.

Actually that's a good thing because it looks like a perfect tube for direct coupling to ESL panels and I've been considering trying it for some time. Have you have any luck with it? If so, care to share any opinions?

BTW, what are your thoughts on ESLs? I like them but I've just copped some flack from Thorsten, who is not shy about his negative opinion of them!


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  • Re: Complex music v. ? on ? and ? - Naz 16:40:26 07/09/06 (0)

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