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Single Ended Triodes (SETs), the ultimate tube lovers dream.

some extra info.....

Hi Kurt,

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you and Dave for the info on tranformers. It's good to learn.

With better quality ATC/TVC the distortion due to high volume setting would be probably lower. I think my AVC is not so bad in this aspect, has high turn numbers, and decent size mumetal M lams - which were drawn 20+ years ago, so most of the stress of drawing is since gone. :) Interestingly, the thinning of the sound is not so apparent with this unit as with the commercial ones I heard, however, I got the feeling of going from excellent sonics in the low volume settings to good sound in the high volume, if driven directly by the CD player.

Now I have an OPT after the CD player, and after that comes the preamp, and what comes out of the preamp is lower signal level compared to the signal directly from the CD. The output imoedance is also much higher, in the order of 1K instead of the 100ish of the digital. In addition, you get the tube distortion and noise of the preamp. Every reason indicates worse performance, yet, at any volume level the AVC performs excellent, no feeling of shrinkage in sonics in higher volumes. And at any volume the sound is vastly, vastly better in every aspect than directly from digital.


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