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"Certain combo sound crap - for instance: Wright 3.5 + TVC"

Not sure that really has a lot to do with the Wright amp OR the TVC, and everything to do with the source component's output impedence and voltage along with the capacitance of interconnects(as you know). There doesn't seem to be anything in the Wright 3.5's specs to indicate it is a bad match: 2V input sensitivity and 100Kohm input impedence. Pretty standard for a tube amp.

I remember that you posted in the Digital forum recently about having a modified Squeezebox. I don't know if you DIY'd it yourself or had Bolder Cable do the work, but here is quote from Scott Faller's ETM review:

Here are just a few comments regarding the mods Bolder Cable has done to the Squeezebox. Removing the output gain stage has advantages and disadvantages. Getting rid of the mediocre JRC opamp and its associated gain stage circuitry causes a dramatic increase in clarity and detail. On the down side, the output voltage of the unit drops to just over 1 volt rather than the 6 volts in the stock unit. This shouldn't be a problem for most as many preamps have ample gain to boost this lowered output signal. In my case, the highly modified Korato KVP 10 isn't phased in the least with the lower input voltage and it has only 15dB of gain.

The other issue with removing the output gain stage is that the DAC doesn't like to see a high capacitance load from the interconnects. You will need to keep you interconnect lengths as short as possible. Using high capacitance interconnects will likely result in some loss of the sonic qualities gained by the analog mods.

1V ouput through a TVC into a 2V input amp is simply not going to work very well in a highly revealing system. There is no headroom. Dynamics would definetly suffer and low volume listening probably would be poor.

And I wouldn't be surprised if the stock Squeezebox was difficult to use since it has a 6V output. Seems like that would make for a very small usuable range of volume control with a TVC and high efficiency speakers like your AER's.

My Welborne Labs DRD 300B monoblocks have 1.5V/>100Kohm input and work spectacularly with my TVC. I think this is due to the fact that my Museatex Bitsream DAC puts out 3V@300ohms.

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