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Re: A few key points....

Darkmoebius, thanks for your post. I quite agree.

To answer one of your question:
Unfortunately my interconnect cables
were decent - no need for esoterism here.
I had a few that i paid too much and
some i did myself (with different length).
They are all ok, i know what a poorly
interconnects do.

Somewhere else in the tread
(Janos) said something i believe in.
I am not sure that there is a big difference
sonically between a pot and a TVC (that one can
discuss...) but for sure somthing that kills the
music is the length of these interconnect cable. Now
from this, to put a TVC or a resistor in a separate
box is not a great idea.
Another thing i noticed (and that might be obvious
to any engineer) is that the length of cable is
particularly an issue between the cd and the pre
and not so much between the pre and the amp.

So there is a choice, a source with just one
op-amp stage and a good pre or a source with plenty
of juice (many op-amps or tube stages) and a TVC
pre. But is the second solution not a bit like to
put a pre in the cd?

The only guideline that i see:
- avoid as much amplify the signal to reduce it later;
- the less amplification the better
- reduce length of interconnect at early stage.

I am unable to say whether a pot or a TVC is better.
(But i still hope to do something with my sowter).


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  • Re: A few key points.... - Vince S 09:08:27 10/21/06 (0)

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