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Audio choke capacitance.

Chokes may ring like output and interstage transformers do, due to combination of their equivalent stray inductance and winding capacitance. For a choke, both are hard to measure directly, so don't ask me about how much picofarads or millihenrys. An indirect way is to measure ringing frequency, which will give you a product of LC. However, few manufacturers measure or specify these things, they just use techniques known to minimize them. Extra insulation between layers of wire is one of the ways to reduce winding capacitance.

Audio chokes are designed so as to reduce stray inductance and winding capacitance as much as possible, as opposed to smoothing chokes where no care is taken to control these parameters.

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  • Audio choke capacitance. - sser2 17:11:03 10/12/06 (0)

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