Home SET Asylum

Single Ended Triodes (SETs), the ultimate tube lovers dream.

Because of all the L's around ;-)

it is usually better to keep the c's lower in value than you would normally use. For instance if you usually use 0,47uF, use a 0,1uF if using grid chokes/plate chokes.

Personally I don't like the Silver in oil Mundorf's for THE PRICE..as far as I know the dielectric is still polyprop and it "shows" they are indeed transparent and let through the details...and have no edgyness at all but I found they actually don't have a big soundstage and are not as nice tonally (i.e. sound a bit artificial) For tone I'd go for the Russian k42y2. Call me heretic but that is how I experience it.

To infinity and beyond!!!

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