In Reply to: "Real" audiophiles use speaker magnets on their refrigerators posted by Richard BassNut Greene on October 24, 2006 at 09:04:52:
I took one of those Empire 9000Ms apart to repair it and the woofer magnet looks like it could easily lift a refrigerator right off the ground. The midrange and tweeter magnets were so big and powerful I could hardly get the rear mounted screws back in their threaded holes.
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Follow Ups Full ThreadTopic - Subjectivists vs Objectivists, For Me The Battle Is Over! - thetubeguy1954 13:45:06 10/23/06 (112)
- Re: Subjectivists vs Objectivists, For Me The Battle Is Over! - twitch54 18:11:38 10/25/06 (0)
- It shouldn't be a battle, a debate sure. - Robert Hamel 09:46:03 10/24/06 (60)
- Ye gods! Such a lot of wasted time and effort... - feet's too big 04:15:29 10/25/06 (3)
- "staggering personal arrogance ..." - robert young 14:41:50 10/25/06 (0)
- Ah, but there are souls to be saved. - markrohr 13:50:06 10/25/06 (1)
- I see... - feet's too big 14:25:30 10/25/06 (0)
- Re: It shouldn't be a battle, a debate sure. - thetubeguy1954 10:39:13 10/24/06 (55)
- Re: It shouldn't be a battle, a debate sure. - Robert Hamel 12:35:37 10/24/06 (1)
- Re: It shouldn't be a battle, a debate sure. - thetubeguy1954 12:52:50 10/24/06 (0)
- Phil Tower Redux - Soundmind 12:01:03 10/24/06 (52)
- Re: Phil Tower Redux - Phil Tower 18:19:24 10/27/06 (0)
- Unsoundmind, My Response - thetubeguy1954 13:08:07 10/24/06 (39)
- Re: Unsoundmind, My Response - john curl 20:15:33 10/24/06 (29)
- Quite. But take heart, it only betrays a deep insecurity within himself. nt - clarkjohnsen 09:50:32 10/25/06 (0)
- Re: Unsoundmind, My Response - Soundmind 04:36:16 10/25/06 (27)
- Re: Unsoundmind, My Response - john curl 06:57:49 10/25/06 (26)
- Every time you open your mouth, you just stick both of your feet in it deeper and deeper - Soundmind 07:08:26 10/25/06 (25)
- Re: Every time you open your mouth, you just stick both of your feet in it deeper and deeper - john curl 08:15:08 10/25/06 (24)
- You just don't get it. The time for the technical discussion of this topic ended three and a half weeks ago - Soundmind 08:26:57 10/25/06 (23)
- Re: You just don't get it. The time for the technical discussion of this topic ended three and a half weeks ago - john curl 11:49:57 10/25/06 (22)
- You can't change history that easily, silly. - jneutron 09:50:59 10/26/06 (0)
- John, John - E-Stat 08:49:08 10/26/06 (16)
- Re: John, John - john curl 10:01:53 10/26/06 (0)
- "We should rejoice in this continuing source of levity." There ya go! nt - clarkjohnsen 09:00:42 10/26/06 (14)
- I know I can, just by re-reading John Curl's "serious discussion" with May Belt about cables - Soundmind 14:25:54 10/26/06 (13)
- No surprise here - E-Stat 05:43:43 10/27/06 (10)
- You would be best off..... - Soundmind 06:11:01 10/27/06 (9)
- Why certainly - E-Stat 06:31:04 10/27/06 (8)
- Re: Why certainly - Soundmind 06:48:35 10/27/06 (7)
- R-E-A-D---M-O-R-E---S-L-O-W-L-Y - E-Stat 06:59:23 10/27/06 (6)
- T-H-I-N-K---M-O-R-E---C-L-E-A-R-L-Y - Soundmind 07:12:42 10/27/06 (5)
- Still missing the point - E-Stat 07:52:56 10/27/06 (4)
- You're wrong as usual - Soundmind 08:36:01 10/27/06 (3)
- Exactly - E-Stat 09:01:24 10/27/06 (2)
- Re: Exactly - Soundmind 09:12:57 10/27/06 (1)
- Gotcha. Have no idea as to the meaning of "qualitative" (nt) - E-Stat 09:24:23 10/27/06 (0)
- Re: I know I can, just by re-reading John Curl's "serious discussion" with May Belt about cables - john curl 21:35:32 10/26/06 (1)
- Re: I know I can, just by re-reading John Curl's "serious discussion" with May Belt about cables - Soundmind 05:22:06 10/27/06 (0)
- Normally I'd ignore your obsessive focus on this topic but I have a question for you - Soundmind 12:36:06 10/25/06 (3)
- Re: Normally I'd ignore your obsessive focus on this topic but I have a question for you - john curl 14:35:11 10/25/06 (2)
- Re: Normally I'd ignore your obsessive focus on this topic but I have a question for you - Soundmind 07:26:27 10/26/06 (0)
- Re: Normally I'd ignore your obsessive focus on this topic but I have a question for you - john curl 15:46:13 10/25/06 (0)
- Re: Unsoundmind, My Response - Soundmind 13:27:56 10/24/06 (8)
- EVERYONE Should Read This & Unsoundminds Previous Posts. - thetubeguy1954 13:53:39 10/24/06 (7)
- Been there, didn't do that - Soundmind 14:12:26 10/24/06 (6)
- Re: Been there, didn't do that - Pat D 12:28:40 10/25/06 (5)
- Re: Been there, didn't do that - Soundmind 12:56:02 10/25/06 (4)
- "I do admit I did a lot of fighting with a lot of people..." - robert young 14:11:56 10/25/06 (3)
- I don't have a vendetta. That has nothing to do with not putting up with bullshit from morons - Soundmind 14:19:16 10/25/06 (2)
- You're right. - robert young 14:32:25 10/25/06 (1)
- Re: You're right. - Soundmind 14:51:21 10/25/06 (0)
- Did you read the part about Tubeguy's "mobility?" - robert young 12:41:02 10/24/06 (10)
- Lack of mobility only means lack of a life if you want it that way - Soundmind 13:11:59 10/24/06 (9)
- Bully for you, Soundmind. - robert young 13:57:53 10/24/06 (8)
- Re: Bully for you, Soundmind. - thetubeguy1954 14:24:34 10/24/06 (2)
- At the end of the day... - robert young 14:41:13 10/24/06 (0)
- Re: Bully for you, Soundmind. - Soundmind 14:34:12 10/24/06 (0)
- Re: Bully for you, Soundmind. - Soundmind 14:19:30 10/24/06 (4)
- Yes, there's enough blame to go around... - robert young 14:32:20 10/24/06 (3)
- Re: Yes, there's enough blame to go around... - Soundmind 14:46:08 10/24/06 (2)
- Just another moniker... - robert young 15:44:11 10/24/06 (1)
- Re: Just another moniker... - Soundmind 15:55:31 10/24/06 (0)
- Tubular sez::::::: "Lunatic Fringe Objectivists (RBG, Pat D, AJinFLA, Phil Tower, Soundmind & andy19191 to name a few) " - Richard BassNut Greene 08:07:09 10/24/06 (6)
- Unfortunately I didn't make Nixon's enemies list. This isn't much but it's at least slight consolation nt - Soundmind 08:54:20 10/24/06 (5)
- We should all apologize to TubeGuy because I think we hurt his feelings - Richard BassNut Greene 09:23:06 10/24/06 (4)
- No Apologizes Needed & Thanks For The Kind Words. - thetubeguy1954 10:16:15 10/24/06 (3)
- This is getting really disgusting. I'm putting my boots on, before you know it we'll be waist deep in it..... nt - Soundmind 12:03:56 10/24/06 (2)
- You're Disgusting. - thetubeguy1954 13:10:16 10/24/06 (1)
- Now that's the boob tubeguy we've come to know nt - Soundmind 13:13:31 10/24/06 (0)
- people who do objective experiments find they can't hear as well as they previously assumed - Richard BassNut Greene 07:52:53 10/24/06 (6)
- The Nut loves his 'parlor tricks'.- "they're proof"...LOL!..(nt) - mkuller 10:58:40 10/24/06 (1)
- Taunt All You Want - thetubeguy1954 12:51:31 10/24/06 (0)
- Re: people who do objective experiments find they can't hear as well as they previously assumed - thetubeguy1954 08:00:04 10/24/06 (3)
- You "walk away" from a debate on wires = you lose the debate - Richard BassNut Greene 08:25:47 10/24/06 (2)
- Re: You "walk away" from a debate on wires = you lose the debate - kerr 08:48:33 10/24/06 (1)
- What does that mean, don't go away mad, just go away? There's plenty more to argue with where he came from - Soundmind 08:52:39 10/24/06 (0)
- Well, you tried! - kerr 06:43:15 10/24/06 (16)
- Yes, I Tried - thetubeguy1954 07:12:20 10/24/06 (15)
- You've been trying for the longest time. Some of us hope you've finally given up... - Soundmind 07:46:48 10/24/06 (14)
- Re: You've been trying for the longest time. Some of us hope you've finally given up... - thetubeguy1954 07:55:32 10/24/06 (13)
- Re: You've been trying for the longest time. Some of us hope you've finally given up... - Soundmind 08:39:05 10/24/06 (12)
- "Real" audiophiles use speaker magnets on their refrigerators - Richard BassNut Greene 09:04:52 10/24/06 (1)
- Re: "Real" audiophiles use speaker magnets on their refrigerators - Soundmind 12:12:47 10/24/06 (0)
- Re: You've been trying for the longest time. Some of us hope you've finally given up... - thetubeguy1954 08:45:24 10/24/06 (9)
- You know what your problem is tube boob, you have no sense of humor, no none at all nt - Soundmind 08:55:45 10/24/06 (8)
- Not True - thetubeguy1954 10:46:50 10/24/06 (7)
- It seems to me you've done plenty of your own share of mud slinging here too - Soundmind 12:09:44 10/24/06 (6)
- Unsoundmind Would Rather Argue Than Build A Bridge So He Continues His Mud Slinging! - thetubeguy1954 13:12:11 10/24/06 (5)
- And here I thought only your physical mobility was restricted - Soundmind 13:15:25 10/24/06 (4)
- My New & Improved ONLY Unsoundmind Response - thetubeguy1954 14:00:47 10/24/06 (3)
- Re: My New & Improved ONLY Unsoundmind Response - Soundmind 14:23:44 10/24/06 (2)
- Re: My New & Improved ONLY Unsoundmind Response - thetubeguy1954 14:28:40 10/24/06 (1)
- Re: My New & Improved ONLY Unsoundmind Response - Soundmind 14:50:08 10/24/06 (0)
- My goal in life . . . - markrohr 03:42:43 10/24/06 (0)
- Have a nice life. (nt) - Pat D 18:59:35 10/23/06 (1)
- You As Well Pat (nt) - thetubeguy1954 08:01:05 10/24/06 (0)
- Yeah, until your next ranting post in about 5 minutes or so - AJinFLA 14:31:08 10/23/06 (10)
- Believe What You Will -- That's Ok With Me! - thetubeguy1954 08:29:59 10/24/06 (0)
- Truly below the belt and completely unnecessary. - robert young 19:39:29 10/23/06 (8)
- Do you notice how he's *still* posting? - AJinFLA 14:57:22 10/24/06 (1)
- I guess I'll have a go at responding to you. - robert young 15:39:40 10/24/06 (0)
- "The arrogance and rudeness demonstrated by the holders of the audio 'truth'." The really funny part is... - clarkjohnsen 09:19:24 10/24/06 (5)
- Yes Clark Kent - AJinFLA 15:10:38 10/24/06 (0)
- I think both sides are to blame, even though... - robert young 14:22:56 10/24/06 (1)
- "... to be lectured to by a prick." Makes my day! And I can tell the story later. - clarkjohnsen 09:38:45 10/25/06 (0)
- So that's your real problem Clark, and here I thought you were just deaf nt - Soundmind 13:39:13 10/24/06 (0)
- "Regular guys" = people who agree 100% with you? (nt) - Richard BassNut Greene 09:27:49 10/24/06 (0)
- Thank God! Now be silent, I pray. - clifff 13:51:59 10/23/06 (4)
- Accepted Clifff - thetubeguy1954 14:20:59 10/23/06 (3)
- Forget all this stuff and go and enjoy your system and music! - clifff 15:26:38 10/23/06 (1)
- Re: Forget all this stuff and go and enjoy your system and music! - thetubeguy1954 09:46:45 10/24/06 (0)
- Ooops - AJinFLA 14:33:13 10/23/06 (0)
Follow Ups
- Re: "Real" audiophiles use speaker magnets on their refrigerators - Soundmind 12:12:47 10/24/06 (0)