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Blueridge=skinny necks,tight string spacing

That's the main knock on the Blueridge.The electric skinny neck and tight string spacing.Which is okay for me and my small hands.i use it just for strumming so the string spacing is a non issue for me.And you only get a one year warranty.I'm happy with mine.The build quality is excellant.No glues smears inside or any inferior work.Mine is the BR-243.A 000 sized guitar that is supposed to be modeled after pre war Martins.

The BR models are made to supposedly sound like Martins.The BG models for Gibsons.The models with three numbers are solid wood the ones with two numbers are laminates.Mine cost 730.00 without a case.I could have gotten the Gospel model for 530.00 but the halo crap on the headstock looked like shit to me.The laminate models go for as little as 365.00,that's without a case.

Below is the lnk to Elderly and all the Blueridge models.
But if i were you I would buy the Martin 00-15 they have in stock.77?.00 with a case and full Martin life time warranty.I played a lot of guitars there yesterday andn this was the one that would have come home wi9th me if I was buying.Nice little guitar with a solid voice and fun as hell to play.

Too bad yer not in Michigan I'd sell you my Blueridge for 500.Then I'd use that money for my custom order.The wheels are allways turning.

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