In Reply to: THANKS!!!!! nt posted by Duilawyer on July 15, 2006 at 14:55:45:
This pissing match would be funny were it not so sad.First of all, DUIlawyer, YOU posed the thread as Buckethead vs. Hendrix. It is disingenuous of you to later whine about others turning it into "Superman vs. Batman." Glass houses...
Second, the whole premise is bogus. There is no universal definition of "Best" when you're talking about musicians. It is an adjective used by dolts and juveniles. "Fastest?" OK, well, that's measurable. But is it Music? Maybe, but why exactly is it "best?"
I'm a drummer, and appreciate a wide range of players for their particular skills. I love Elvin Jones and Max Roach and Buddy Rich and Terry Bozzio and Clyde Stubblefield and Steve Smith,and on and on. I appreciate guys like Mike Portnoy and Virgil Donati for their monster chops, but the music which is their context does little for me after a few minutes. You like 'em? Great. Enjoy. Just don't waste everybody's time trying to argue that they are "best."
I need compelling music, not just a drum clinic. The "world's fastest feet" contests and the like appeal to some, but who would buy a cd of some guy doing a million double-bass strokes? A wanker fanboy, maybe.
Ringo is clearly a great MUSICIAN. Duke Ellington and Count Basie also get too little credit for their skills on the piano, because they trancended that one instrument and "played their bands." But both were motherf*&ers at the keyboard as well. Arguing about whether Ringo is a "great drummer" is so goddamned idiotic. Pointless. And you act as if it's some brilliant discovery. Ringo's playing fit into the band like fingers in a glove. THAT, oh ignorant one, IS the definition of a great drummer. It's called the pocket, and precious few own it. Ringo does. And drummers know it when they hear it.
Bottom line, in two examples: first, this really seems like the difference between Audiophiles and Music Lovers. You know, audiophiles use music to listen to their systems, and music lovers use their systems to listen to music. It is the preference of "technical" over "emotional." I happen to think that emotional impact is ultimately more important.
Second, and I cringe a bit dropping this worn-out name, but Adolph Hitler was perhaps the "best" leader of a country in recent history. His technical skills as an orator, politician, and motivator were breathtaking and uncanny. But who the hell wants to listen to HIS sh*t? A$$holes, that's who.
Chops are a part of art, but they are NOT art by themselves.
Now, I think I'll go watch some REAL musicians..."This Is Spinal Tap." THEY have earned a distinguished place in Rock History as One of England's Loudest Bands. :)
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Follow Ups
- Re: THANKS!!!!! nt - rockyersoxoff 20:46:05 07/19/06 (0)