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From Classic Rock to Progessive to hip hop to today's hot new tunes!

Yes and no.

In one respect you're correct... that whatever we listened to when we were, say, 16-24 is what we'll love forever. On the other hand, just because we love it doesn't make it special. Writers and musicians of all ages understand the importance of rock's golden age just as much as novelists understand the novel's golden age (which, by the way, I wasn't around for), filmmakers the movie's golden age, etc. In each case, especially with filmmakers, talented people were able to do what they wanted to do, rather than create "art" to the specifications of a committee of accountants. Commerce does interfere, and it does demand regurgitation of successful formulas. Very few accountants are also music people willing to take a chance on new talent, while in the sixties, record people were very often music people. Same goes for radio stations. They played anything. Today they play Mariah Carey or Pink Floyd every six minutes. When new music is created that is so powerful it demands to be heard (like rap), it will be, and it will change things. But so far, today's rock (and jazz as well) isn't rewriting any history books.

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  • Yes and no. - SalD 10:27:19 05/12/06 (0)

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