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Re: Deteriorating State of Yesterday's Music... Buyers

Then why is old music still so popular, even among young people? I think that back then, in the 70s mainly, Rock had an advantage over today's generation. The guitar technology was all new, and everything was original...because it was the beginning of certain kinds of rock. Feedback and simple effects to flangers, rotating speakers, and fuzz distortion...all were new back then. Since then, it seems that the newer bands dont have the same chance...because people are always comparing them something 30 years ago...and the technology hasnt grown all that much really.

I have stopped listening to the radio entirely...except for talk radio. I dont watch MTV or VH1. I only get music when I play it myself, or occasionally I'll watch performances on the talk shows.

"You see its the people who find nothing in music now who are the ones who want to keep going on about stuff from 30-40 years ago."

Well, evidently there are a LOT of them. Myself included...though I do like some new music, and hate some old music.

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